Zero Fail (quotes from my fourth book), The updated version of The Secret Service-The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (several pages), The Secrets of the Secret Service (the former agent quotes from my third book), The Kennedy Detail (the former agent refers to me on a few pages- he wrote his book as a reaction to my research), Guardians of Democracy (the former agent refers to this blog), Within Arm’s Length (the former agent has my blurb on the cover), C-SPAN November 2010 DVD with former agents Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill (they show a You Tube video of me and discuss my research), C-SPAN May 2012 DVD with former agent Clint Hill (he discusses my letter about his first book), the original edition of The Secret Service-The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (several pages), My History Channel appearance on The Men Who Killed Kennedy (DVD), My NEWSMAX TV appearance on The Men Who Killed Kennedy (2019-2020), The Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board (images of the excerpt about my Secret Service interviews donation, President Clinton receiving the report, and an image of the cover), Last Word (several pages and my blurb on the cover of the paperback), A Coup in Camelot DVD/ Blu Ray, They Killed Our President (16 pages refer to my work), an image of myself on C-SPAN, A Coup in Camelot via Amazon Prime television, The Man Behind the Suit DVD (I am Associate Producer on this documentary about former agent Robert DeProspero), JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (I am credited at the end), Vanity Fair article 10/17/14 (refers to my first book a couple times), JFK: The Final Hours DVD (program credits-in background slightly above), Murder in Dealey Plaza (I have two chapters), The Kennedy Half Century (refers to this blog), Coinage Magazine February 2010 (several quotes from myself), Publishers Weekly 8/28/2000 (refers to my contribution to Murder in Dealey Plaza, above), JFK: DESTINY BETRAYED (thanked at the end of all four episodes), and 2 images from THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK SBS UK DOCUMENTARY 2021



Secret Service JFK

Secret Service, JFK, President Kennedy, James Rowley, Gerald Behn, Floyd Boring, Roy Kellerman, John Campion, William Greer, Forest Sorrels, Clint Hill, Winston Lawson, Emory Roberts, Sam Kinney, Paul Landis, John "Jack" Ready, William "Tim" McIntyre, Glenn Bennett, George Hickey, Rufus Youngblood, Warren "Woody" Taylor, Jerry Kivett, Lem Johns, John "Muggsy" O'Leary, Sam Sulliman, Ernest Olsson, Robert Steuart, Richard Johnsen, Stewart "Stu" Stout, Roger Warner, Henry "Hank" Rybka, Donald Lawton, Dennis Halterman, Walt Coughlin, Andy Berger, Ron Pontius, Bert de Freese, Jim Goodenough, Bill Duncan, Ned Hall II, Mike Howard, Art Godfrey, Gerald Blaine, Ken Giannoules, Paul Burns, Gerald O'Rourke, Robert Faison, David Grant, John Joe Howlett, Bill Payne, Robert Burke, Frank Yeager, Donald Bendickson, Gerald Bechtle, Howard Norton, Hamilton Brown, Toby Chandler, Chuck Zboril, Joe Paolella, Wade Rodham, Bob Foster, Lynn Meredith, Rad Jones, Thomas Wells, Charlie Kunkel, Stu Knight, Paul Rundle, Glen Weaver, Arnie Lau, Forrest Guthrie, Eve Dempsher, Bob Lilley, Ken Wiesman, Mike Mastrovito, Tony Sherman, Larry Newman, Morgan Gies, Tom Shipman, Ed Tucker, Harvey Henderson, Abe Bolden, Robert Kollar, Ed Mougin, Mac Sweazey, Horace "Harry" Gibbs, Tom Behl, Jim Cantrell, Bill Straughn, Tom Fridley, Mike Kelly, Joe Noonan, Gayle Dobish, Earl Moore, Arthur Blake, John Lardner, Milt Wilhite, Bill Skiles, Louis Mayo, Thomas Wooge, Milt Scheuerman, Talmadge Bailey, Bob Lapham, Bob Newbrand, Bernie Mullady, Jerry Dolan, Vince Mroz, William Bacherman, Howard Anderson, U.E. Baughman, Walt Blaschak, Robert Bouck, George Chaney, William Davis, Paul Doster, Dick Flohr, Jack Fox, John Giuffre, Jim Griffith, Jack Holtzhauer, Andy Hutch, Jim Jeffries, John Paul Jones, Kent Jordan, Dale Keaner, Brooks Keller, Thomas Kelley, Clarence Knetsch, Jackson Krill, Elmer Lawrence, Bill Livingood, J. Leroy Lewis, Dick Metzinger, Jerry McCann, John McCarthy, Ed Morey, Chester Miller, Roy "Gene" Nunn, Jack Parker, Paul Paterni, Burrill Peterson, Max Phillips, Walter Pine, Michael Shannon, Frank Stoner, Cecil Taylor, Charles Taylor, Bob Taylor, Elliot Thacker, Ken Thompson, Mike Torina, Jack Walsh, Jack Warner, Thomas White, Ed Wildy, Carroll Winslow, Dale Wunderlich, Walter Young, Winston Gintz, Bill Carter, C. Douglas Dillon, James Johnson, Larry Hess, Frank Farnsworth, Jim Giovanneti,Bob Gaugh,Don Brett, Jack Gleason, Bob Jamison, Gary Seale, Bill Sherlock, Bob Till, Doc Walters...

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

(Texas Trip) Secret Service Agent Rosters & Duties

(Texas Trip) Secret Service Agent Rosters & Duties

I. San Antonio, TX, 11/21/63:
(San Antonio International Airport, Aerospace Medical Center, Kelly AFB)
[Sources-RIF#154-10002-10424: Survey report; 1541000110104; 1541000110058;1541000110184;1541000110033;17H618; "Kennedy In Texas" video; "Four Days In November" video]

1) Dennis R. Halterman (WHD): Advance agent (arrived in San Antonio 11/12/63)
2) J. Walter Coughlin (WHD): assisted in the advance (later, as part of the 4p.m.-12 mid shift at the Kennedy residence in Middleburg VA)
3) ASAIC of WHD (#3) Roy H. Kellerman: rode in SS-100-X [limousine] (front passenger seat)
4) William R. Greer (WHD/ Garage Detail): driver of SS-100-X
5) Henry J. Rybka (WHD/ Garage Detail): driver of SS-697-X FROM Aerospace Medical Center (AMC)[follow-up car]
6) ATSAIC of WHD Stewart G. "Stu" Stout: Entrance to Headquarters Bldg., AMC
7) Samuel E. Sulliman (WHD): Entrance to speaker's stand, AMC
8) Richard E. Johnsen (WHD): Speaker's platform, AMC
9) Ernest E. Olsson, Jr. (WHD): same as above
10) Andrew E. Berger (WHD): same as above
11) ATSAIC of WHD Emory P. Roberts: commander of follow-up car (front passenger seat)
12) John D. "Jack" Ready (WHD): follow-up car
13) Donald J. Lawton (WHD): follow-up car
14) William "Tim" McIntyre (WHD): follow-up car
15) Glenn A. Bennett (PRS): follow-up car
16) SAIC of San Antonio office Luis Benavides: assisted in the advance
17) Richard S. McCully (San Antonio office): Supervision of Aerospace Medical Center (AMC)
18) John J. "Muggsy" O'Leary (WHD/ Luggage-Effects [see also 25 H 788])
19) Clinton J. Hill (WHD/ First Lady Detail)
20) Samuel A. Kinney (WHD/ Garage Detail): driver of SS-697-X TO AMC [Rybka: passenger]
21) Paul E. Landis, Jr. (WHD/ First Lady Detail)
22) George W. Hickey, Jr (WHD/ Garage Detail): follow-up car [passenger]
23) ASAIC (#2) of V.P./ LBJ Detail Rufus W. Youngblood (came from LBJ Ranch w/ Johns and Taylor)
24) ATSAIC OF V.P./ LBJ Detail Thomas "Lem" Johns
25) Warren "Woody" Taylor (Lady Bird Johnson Detail)

FORTY members of the military police from Ft. Sam Houston, Texas: traffic control, motorcade route security, and intersection control; police helicopter utilized along route; many flanking motorcycles;
PRS subjects: 0

II. Houston, TX, 11/21/63:

(Houston International Airport, Rice Hotel, Coliseum/ Congressman Albert Thomas Dinner)

[Sources: RIF#1541000110104; 1541000110064; 1541000110042; 1541000110044 (Daily Shift report, V.P. Detail, 11/21/63); 1541000110031; 180-10083-10419;180-10078-10493; 16 H 950-951; 17 H 618; author's 10/9/92 interview with DNC advance man Marty Underwood; DNC Advance man Jerry Bruno's notes, JFK
26) Ronald M. Pontius (WHD): Advance agent (arrived in Houston 11/12/63); rode in lead car in motorcade
27) Lubert F. "Bert" de Freese (WHD): assisted in the advance (arrived in Houston 11/18/63 from JFK's Florida trip); departed at 7:00 p.m. on 11/21/63 to go back to Washington, D.C.
28) DNC Advance Man Martin E. "Marty" Underwood (also the DNC advance man for Austin: see below)
29) James R. “Jim” Goodenough (V.P. LBJ Detail): Advance agent, LBJ Detail; rode in V.P. follow-up car in motorcade; went to the LBJ Ranch afterward
30) SAIC of Houston office Lane Bertram: rode in lead car in motorcade
Ready: rode in pilot car in motorcade
Berger: rode in pilot car in motorcade
Kellerman: limo
Greer: driver of limo
Rybka: driver of follow-up car
Stout: follow-up car
Sulliman: follow-up car
Johnsen: follow-up car
Olsson: follow-up car
Hill: follow-up car
O'Leary: rode in station wagon in motorcade (near the rear)
Youngblood: rode in LBJ's car
Johns: rode in V.P. follow-up car
[Note: Kinney was not in Houston, as he proceeded to Dallas on 11/21/63 after JFK's departure from San Antonio, presumably with Hickey, who also does not appear to have been in Houston, either. In addition, Roberts, Lawton, McIntyre, and Bennett are unaccounted for, although they may have had duties ahead at the Coliseum]

III. Fort Worth, TX, evening of 11/21/63, morning of 11/22/63:

(Carswell Air Force Base, Hotel Texas)

[Sources-RIF#1541000110104; 1541000110104; 1541000110043; 2 H 133; 18 H 674-675, 678, 679, 686, 697, 730, 761; captioned photo of Duncan in "Fort Worth Press", 11/22/63; 16 H 950-951; 17 H 618; 18 H 678-679, 681-682; 25 H 787-788; “The Death of a President,” pages 88 and 116]
31) William L. Duncan (WHD): Advance agent (arrived in Fort Worth 11/12/63); still in Fort Worth as of 11/22/63 and after the assassination [25 H 787]
32) Ned Hall II (WHD): assisted in the advance (also arrived in Fort Worth 11/12/63)
33) James F. "Mike" Howard (Dallas office): assisted in the advance; in Fort Worth until 4:00 a.m. 11/22/63 [18 H 675]
34) Jerry D. Kivett (V.P. LBJ Detail): Advance agent, LBJ Detail
(Arrived in Fort Worth on 11/19/63)
35) William H. Patterson (Dallas office): in Fort Worth on the morning of 11/22/63: assigned to drive LBJ's car [25 H 788]; went to Love Field afterwards
36) ATSAIC of WHD Arthur L. Godfrey: arrived in Fort Worth from Washington, D.C. at 2:15 p.m. on 11/21/63 w/ Blaine, Giannoules, Burns, O'Rourke, and Faison for duty at the Hotel Texas 4p.m.-12 min (JFK arrived 11:50 p.m.)
37) Gerald S. Blaine (WHD)
38) Kenneth S. Giannoules (WHD)
39) Paul A. Burns (WHD)
40) Gerald W. O'Rourke (WHD)
41) Robert R. Faison (WHD) [African-American]
42) Michael J. Shannon (V.P./ LBJ Detail): on duty at LBJ Ranch on 11/21/63; went to Hotel Texas on the night of 11/21/63 [12 Mid-8 a.m. 11/22/63]; went back to Johnson City, TX afterwards
Johnsen: follow-up car 11/21/63
[Note: Kinney and Hickey were not in Fort Worth on 11/21/63: they were in Dallas with the two cars]
Kellerman: limo
Greer: driver of limo (NOT SS-100-X but a rented car)
Rybka: follow-up car to Carswell AFB 11/22/63 (NOT the driver)
Berger [see also 18 H 672, 675, 698]
Youngblood [note: he would go on to leave in the early morning hours of 11/22/63 to visit a childhood acquaintance (18 H 681-682)]
IV. Dallas, TX, 11/22/63:
(Love Field, Trade Mart)
[Sources-RIF#1541000110100; 1541000110065; 1541000110044; 16 H 950-951 (same as 1541000110032); 1541000110190; "Inside The Secret Service" video 1995 (Lawson); author's interview with Lawson 9/27/92; 17 H 601, 618; 18 H 789; author's interviews with Godfrey 5/30/96, 6/7/96, and letter dated 11/24/97]
43) Winston G. Lawson (WHD): Advance agent (arrived in Dallas 11/12/63); rode in lead car in motorcade; remains in Dallas after AF1 departs to assist in the investigation [18 H 788]
44) David B. Grant (WHD): assisted in the advance (arrived in Dallas 11/18/63 from JFK's Florida trip): Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital; remains in Dallas after AF1 departs until the early morning hours of 11/24/63 [18 H 788]; although seemingly removed from the immediate area, Grant was involved in the drinking incident [18 H 684] (See below)
45) SAIC of Dallas office Forrest V. Sorrels: assisted in the advance; rode in lead car
46) DNC Advance Man Jacob L. "Jack" Puterbaugh (arrived in Dallas 11/12/63); rode in pilot car in motorcade
Kivett: Advance Agent, LBJ Detail (11/18-11/22 [17 H 601]); rode in V.P. follow-up car in motorcade
47) Robert A. Steuart (Dallas Office): Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital
48) John Joe Howlett (Dallas office): Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital; rode in limousine as it was taken back to the C-130 (Hickey, driver; Kinney drove the follow-up car back)
49) Roger C. Warner (Dallas office): Love Field
Kellerman: limo
Greer: driver of limo
Roberts: commander of follow-up car
Kinney: driver of follow-up car
Hill: follow-up car
McIntyre: follow-up car
Ready: follow-up car
Landis: folow-up car
Bennett: follow-up car
Hickey: follow-up car
Youngblood: LBJ's car
Johns: V.P. follow-up car
Taylor: V.P. follow-up car
Stout: Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital (+rode in hearse)
Berger: Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital (+drove hearse)
Johnsen: Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital (+CE399)
Olsson: Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital
Sulliman: Trade Mart, then Parkland Hospital
Lawton: Love Field
O'Leary: Love Field
Rybka: Love Field

V. Austin, TX, 11/22/63:

(Inc. Bergstrom AFB, 40 Acre Club, Governor Connally's mansion/ fundraiser/dinner, Commodore-Perry Hotel, Johnson City, LBJ Ranch)
[Sources-RIF#1541000110104; 1541000110064; 1541000110057; 1541000110050;1541000110044; 1541000110033; 18 H 779; Air Force One radio tapes/ transcripts; Bill Moyers' interview on A&E 1992; "Death of a President", p. 317 (1988 edition), “20 Years In The Secret Service,” page 97]

50) William B. Payne (WHD): Advance agent for Austin (arrived in Austin 11/12/63)
51) Robert R. Burke (WHD): assisted in the advance; specifically, for the LBJ Ranch in Austin City, TX (arrived in Austin for the LBJ Ranch 11/18/63)
52) John F. Yeager (WHD): assisted in the advance for Austin, Texas (arrived in TX 11/18/63)
Underwood [still in Houston on 11/22/63]
Shannon: see above
53) Donald Bendickson (V.P./ LBJ Detail): LBJ Ranch 11/21-11/22/63
54) Gerald Bechtle (V.P./ LBJ Detail): LBJ Ranch 11/21-11/22/63
Goodenough: see above
55) Robert Lockwood (from San Antonio Office) [see 2 H 155 & 18 H 779]
Godfrey: Austin (Commodore-Perry Hotel; depart for Washington at 3:15 p.m.)
Blaine: same
Giannoules: same
Burns: same
O'Rourke: same
Faison: same
56) Howard K. Norton (PRS) [see CD80 and 1541000110033, cited above]: same (this is the first and only time Norton's name appears anywhere in the Shift reports. He would go on to photograph the bloody limousine at the White House garage with fellow PRS photographer James K. "Jack" Fox on 11/23/63)
Shift Summary-
a) 12 Midnight to 8 a.m. shift:
ATSAIC Godfrey-shift leader,
SA Blaine,
SA Giannoules,
SA O'Rourke,
SA Burns,
SA Faison

HOTEL TEXAS (went to Austin after JFK's breakfast in Fort Worth);

b) 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. shift:
ATSAIC Roberts-shift leader,
SA Lawton,
SA Ready,
SA McIntyre,
SA Bennett (PRS),
SA Hill (First Lady Detail),
SA Landis (First Lady Detail),
SA Kinney (Garage/Chauffeur-in Dallas),
SA Hickey (Garage/Chauffeur-in Dallas)

FOLLOW-UP CAR (except Lawton-Love Field; Lawton rode in follow-up car AND back of JFK's limo on 11/18/63);

c) 4 p.m. to 12 Midnight shift:
ATSAIC Stout-shift leader,
SA Sulliman,
SA Johnsen,
SA Olsson,
SA Berger

TRADE MART (later, Parkland Hospital; all in Houston motorcade's follow-up car except Berger: in pilot car);

d) V.P. Detail:
ASAIC Youngblood,
SA Kivett,
SA Taylor (assigned to Lady Bird),
SA Shannon

HOTEL TEXAS (Youngblood-LBJ's car; Johns, Kivett, Taylor-V.P. follow-up car;
Shannon-back to LBJ Ranch where he came)

e) [?] Shift:
ASAIC Kellerman,
SA Greer (Garage/Chauffeur),
SA Hall,
SA Duncan,
SA Grant

Kellerman and Greer-HOTEL TEXAS; JFK LIMOUSINE (all stops; later, Grey Navy ambulance and Bethesda; worked the WHOLE day without being relieved!)
Duncan-HOTEL TEXAS (advance agent for Fort Worth stop)...
Grant-HOTEL TEXAS (advance agent for Florida [11/18/63] AND Texas trips; later, Trade Mart and Parkland Hospital);

ALSO: Dallas agents James F. "Mike" Howard and William H. Patterson also in Fort Worth (Howard assisted in advance arrangements at Fort Worth-on duty at the Hotel Texas from JFK's arrival until 4 a.m. on 11/22/63...later, questioned Marina Oswald; Patterson helped in security
at JFK's breakfast in Fort Worth-drove LBJ's car in Fort Worth on 11/22/63...later, Love Field);

Conclusion: Chief Rowley told the Warren Commission that 28 members of the WHITE HOUSE DETAIL accompanied JFK to Fort Worth-he's correct (Kinney and Hickey would make 30 if counted, but they were in Dallas, as previously mentioned). Advance agent Winston G. Lawson, SAIC of Dallas office Forrest V. Sorrels, and the remainder of Sorrels' men were in Dallas-leaving John J. "Muggsy" O'Leary (Garage/Chauffeur) and Henry J. Rybka (Garage/Chauffeur) [both were in the Houston motorcade of 11/21/63- O'Leary rode in the Station Wagon, while Rybka drove the follow-up car; both men were at Love Field on 11/22/63] to round out the
WHD agents

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