Zero Fail (quotes from my fourth book), The updated version of The Secret Service-The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (several pages), The Secrets of the Secret Service (the former agent quotes from my third book), The Kennedy Detail (the former agent refers to me on a few pages- he wrote his book as a reaction to my research), Guardians of Democracy (the former agent refers to this blog), Within Arm’s Length (the former agent has my blurb on the cover), C-SPAN November 2010 DVD with former agents Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill (they show a You Tube video of me and discuss my research), C-SPAN May 2012 DVD with former agent Clint Hill (he discusses my letter about his first book), the original edition of The Secret Service-The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (several pages), My History Channel appearance on The Men Who Killed Kennedy (DVD), My NEWSMAX TV appearance on The Men Who Killed Kennedy (2019-2020), The Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board (images of the excerpt about my Secret Service interviews donation, President Clinton receiving the report, and an image of the cover), Last Word (several pages and my blurb on the cover of the paperback), A Coup in Camelot DVD/ Blu Ray, They Killed Our President (16 pages refer to my work), an image of myself on C-SPAN, A Coup in Camelot via Amazon Prime television, The Man Behind the Suit DVD (I am Associate Producer on this documentary about former agent Robert DeProspero), JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (I am credited at the end), Vanity Fair article 10/17/14 (refers to my first book a couple times), JFK: The Final Hours DVD (program credits-in background slightly above), Murder in Dealey Plaza (I have two chapters), The Kennedy Half Century (refers to this blog), Coinage Magazine February 2010 (several quotes from myself), Publishers Weekly 8/28/2000 (refers to my contribution to Murder in Dealey Plaza, above), JFK: DESTINY BETRAYED (thanked at the end of all four episodes), and 2 images from THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK SBS UK DOCUMENTARY 2021



Secret Service JFK

Secret Service, JFK, President Kennedy, James Rowley, Gerald Behn, Floyd Boring, Roy Kellerman, John Campion, William Greer, Forest Sorrels, Clint Hill, Winston Lawson, Emory Roberts, Sam Kinney, Paul Landis, John "Jack" Ready, William "Tim" McIntyre, Glenn Bennett, George Hickey, Rufus Youngblood, Warren "Woody" Taylor, Jerry Kivett, Lem Johns, John "Muggsy" O'Leary, Sam Sulliman, Ernest Olsson, Robert Steuart, Richard Johnsen, Stewart "Stu" Stout, Roger Warner, Henry "Hank" Rybka, Donald Lawton, Dennis Halterman, Walt Coughlin, Andy Berger, Ron Pontius, Bert de Freese, Jim Goodenough, Bill Duncan, Ned Hall II, Mike Howard, Art Godfrey, Gerald Blaine, Ken Giannoules, Paul Burns, Gerald O'Rourke, Robert Faison, David Grant, John Joe Howlett, Bill Payne, Robert Burke, Frank Yeager, Donald Bendickson, Gerald Bechtle, Howard Norton, Hamilton Brown, Toby Chandler, Chuck Zboril, Joe Paolella, Wade Rodham, Bob Foster, Lynn Meredith, Rad Jones, Thomas Wells, Charlie Kunkel, Stu Knight, Paul Rundle, Glen Weaver, Arnie Lau, Forrest Guthrie, Eve Dempsher, Bob Lilley, Ken Wiesman, Mike Mastrovito, Tony Sherman, Larry Newman, Morgan Gies, Tom Shipman, Ed Tucker, Harvey Henderson, Abe Bolden, Robert Kollar, Ed Mougin, Mac Sweazey, Horace "Harry" Gibbs, Tom Behl, Jim Cantrell, Bill Straughn, Tom Fridley, Mike Kelly, Joe Noonan, Gayle Dobish, Earl Moore, Arthur Blake, John Lardner, Milt Wilhite, Bill Skiles, Louis Mayo, Thomas Wooge, Milt Scheuerman, Talmadge Bailey, Bob Lapham, Bob Newbrand, Bernie Mullady, Jerry Dolan, Vince Mroz, William Bacherman, Howard Anderson, U.E. Baughman, Walt Blaschak, Robert Bouck, George Chaney, William Davis, Paul Doster, Dick Flohr, Jack Fox, John Giuffre, Jim Griffith, Jack Holtzhauer, Andy Hutch, Jim Jeffries, John Paul Jones, Kent Jordan, Dale Keaner, Brooks Keller, Thomas Kelley, Clarence Knetsch, Jackson Krill, Elmer Lawrence, Bill Livingood, J. Leroy Lewis, Dick Metzinger, Jerry McCann, John McCarthy, Ed Morey, Chester Miller, Roy "Gene" Nunn, Jack Parker, Paul Paterni, Burrill Peterson, Max Phillips, Walter Pine, Michael Shannon, Frank Stoner, Cecil Taylor, Charles Taylor, Bob Taylor, Elliot Thacker, Ken Thompson, Mike Torina, Jack Walsh, Jack Warner, Thomas White, Ed Wildy, Carroll Winslow, Dale Wunderlich, Walter Young, Winston Gintz, Bill Carter, C. Douglas Dillon, James Johnson, Larry Hess, Frank Farnsworth, Jim Giovanneti,Bob Gaugh,Don Brett, Jack Gleason, Bob Jamison, Gary Seale, Bill Sherlock, Bob Till, Doc Walters...

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Notes on Secret Service Agent Bill Greer: the Tale of The Tapes

Notes on Secret Service Agent Bill Greer: the Tale of The Tapes
by Vince Palamara

Authors Fred Newcomb and the late Perry Adams interviewed Bill Greer for their unpublished manuscript entitled Murder From Within. It was a 1974 work that took five years to research and write. The authors' only TV appearance was on the now-defunct "Inside Report" on NBC back in May 1990. Their voluminous tome first introduced everyone to body alteration, Zapruder film tampering (as acknowledged by Harrison Livingstone in "Killing Kennedy" and on several pages of Fetzer's "Assassination Science"), Oswald backyard photo fakery (even acknowledged by Jack White in his video The Many Faces of LeeHarvey Oswald and in Jim Marrs' book Crossfire), Dodd Committee/ Seaport Traders/LHO theory (see pages 300 and 528 of Henry Hurt's Reasonable Doubt), and, last but not least, the inane Greer shooting JFK [years before Bill Cooper!] theory (which, like Hickey shooting JFK in Mortal Error, greatly damaged the good work in the rest of the book). Fred Newcomb was also the first to track down the Air Force One transcripts at the LBJ Library back in 1975 (Best Evidence, p. 681) and that one of the Willis photos had possibly been retouched by the FBI (see Who's Who in the JFK Assassination by Michael Benson, p. 310). There is muchthat Newcomb and Adams accomplished, as shown here, but I digress...
They also interviewed the following members of the Dallas Police: Chief Jesse Curry, B.J. Martin, Douglas Jackson, James Chaney, Stavis Ellis, Marion Baker, Joe M. Smith, and Earle V. Brown. Also interviewed were Jean Hill, Bill Newman, Charles Brehm, Ralph Yarborough, Joe H. Rich, Henry Gonzalez, Dean Andrews, Harry Holmes, Roy Kellerman...and, of course, Bill Greer.
Although Greer was interviewed informally by the FBI at the Bethesda morgue on the night of the assassination [RIF#124-10012-10239] and formally on November 27, 1963 at the White House [CD7/ RIF#180-10004-10466]; submitted a Secret Service report of his own [18 H 723]; testified before the Warren Commission on March 9, 1964 [2 H 112-132]; was interviewed by William Manchester on Novemeber 19, 1964 ["Death of a President", p. 671; RIF#180-10116-10119]; interviewed by Jim Bishop for "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" [p. 684]; interviewed November 20, 1967 and January 18, 1971 by David Lifton ["Best Evidence", pages 401 and 448]; interviewed in 1970 by Walt Brown ["Treachery In Dallas", pp. 50-51]; interviewed February 28, 1978 and December 4, 1978 by the HSCA [RIF#180-10099-10491; HSCA Record Number 1211021]; interviewed informally several times by researcher Robert Milner from 1978 until 1985 [author correspondence with Milner 1998]; and by the "Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times", November 6, 1983, the only known audio record to survive to date are the tape recordings form phone calls made from December 6, 1970 and June 26, 1971 for Newcomb & Adams' project, courtesy of researcher Gary Murr. Bill Greer passed away in February 1985 ["Washington Post", February 28, 1985; this author interviewed Greer's son Richard on September 17, 1991, October 7, 1991, and September 23, 1992. An audio tape does exist of the October 7, 1991 interview]. As someone fascinated by the Secret Service, especially in the context of JFK , it is interesting to finally be able to HEAR the voice of a man long studied and since deceased. The total running time of the tape, including both telephonic interviews, is about 45 minutes. A lengthy, word-for-word transcript is beyond the scope of this short paper (and much of it is familiar anyway), but I have decided to point out some of the highlights from this rare recording herein as follows:
  • Greer retired in July 1966 after having undergone a stomach operation and Jackie Kennedy sent him a letter thanking him for being with the President until the end.
  • He said he "saw blood on Connally's shirt" and looked back only "one time", in direct contrast to the Zapruder film. He went on to say that he "didn't really see the President at all".
  • Said the Zapruder film "was proven legitimate".
  • Claimed to have not seen anyone on the triple overpass.
  • Regarding the assassination itself, Greer claimed that "we never stopped...there was no reason to need to stop." In regard to the direction of the shots, he said that "everyone was hit from the back was covered with it [debris from head shot]." When told that Connally has always insisted that he was hit with a different bullet than had hit JFK, Greer said "I feel that way, too. They [the Warren Commission] had lawyers working on it...these lawyers had already made up their mind". Greer also believed that the back wound [which he referred to as being in the "back of the shoulder"] did not go through and that that was also the first thought of the autopsy doctors in attendance.
  • Greer claimed he was "in the OPERATING ROOM at Parkland" [emphasis added] and stated that JFK's clothing "were in my custody from Parkland to Washington."
  • Greer denied that there was a hole in the limousine's windshield. He said there was only a "star"; a spidering crack.
  • Greer did not know why the photographers were out of their usual position in front of and close to JFK's limousine that fateful day in Dallas, but did not seem to regard this as suspicious.
  • Regarding agent Roy Kellerman, Greer said twice that he was "a very fine gentleman." Regarding President Kennedy, Greer said "He and I were pretty close friends. He treated me just wonderful."
  • Regarding William Manchester and his book "Death of a President", Greer said harshly "He's garbage...didn't like it at all", further commenting on Manchester's criticism concerning his age and reflexes behind the wheel [Greer thought that his experience was an advantage, coming from "years of experience" , and certainly not a disadvantage]. He went on to say that he thought that Jim Bishop's book ("The Day Kennedy Was Shot") was the best book of all regarding the events of November 22, 1963. (However, keep in mind that his comments were made in 1970)
  • Greer said, somewhat cryptically, "there's alot of things I know that no one else knows." (!)
  • Finally, Greer said that the Warren Commission closed up shop too soon and that "there might have been a conspiracy in another part of the country." [!!!]

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