“He is now working on a book of his own memories of the event.” He also critiqued the new Natalie Portman movie "Jackie":
Paul Landis originally thought a shot came from the front:
“My reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front.” [Landis’ report dated 11/27/63: 18 H 758-759]
“I still was not certain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road.” [Landis’ detailed report dated 11/30/63: 18 H 751-757]
“Landis confirmed to the committee the accuracy of his statement to the Warren Commission”- HSCA Report, pp. 89, 606 (referencing Landis’s interview, February 17, 1979 outside contact report, JFK Document 014571)
THE KENNEDY DETAIL by Gerald Blaine (2010), page 353: Landis lamely tries to backtrack, decades later. Tsk tsk. Landis was also a part of the documentary based on the book, as well.
I swear this is genuine. Paul Landis, one of the Secret Service agents on the Kennedy protection detail in Dallas who failed to protect the president from an assassin’s bullet back on that fateful November 22, 1963, has his own idea of how to start a picture. Got this personally from the director of the upcoming feature film The Kennedy Detail:
“Stephen [Gyllenhaal, director of the SCRAPPED movie THE KENNEDY DETAIL…canned due to my efforts], I don’t know how you intend to open your movie, but I have an idea that I would like to run by you, not intending to intrude into your creative space. Just a thought. Please forgive any miss spelled words. I’m just going with the flow.”
Paul (not Paulie)
Opening Scene: Taking place while titles, actors ,credits, etc. burn thru in white.
Start – Surround sound – Motorcycle engine starts – Loud – …Varoom. Then a second – same sounds – Varoom…Varoom. Followed by other sounds, cars starting, “Let’s roll”, voices, commands, close ups of car wheels starting to move, cycles shifting into gear, Presidentional flag on fender, feet walking & starting to jog, all close ups & tight shots…lots of quick shots & cuts…people waving…shouting…fenders…cycle exhaust pipes…flashers blinking…Clint/Paul exchanging glances…”Jackie, Jackie”…”Mr. President”…”Over here, over here Mr. President” etc., etc. More pix of buildings, people in windows…waving. Someone running towards presidents limo, arm extended…Agent looks at hand, quick flash close up…gun?…Knife?…finally a camera. Another Agent pushes person back towards crowd. the person tumbles…motorcade continues.
All sorts of scenes taking place and building in intensity as motorcade reaches & continues down Main Street in Dallas. Finally, as motorcade slows & turns right onto Houston…sounds start to fade…crown thinning out…..camera scanning buildings, Plaza, overpass, etc. As other sounds fade out, an erie background sound starts to fade in. We are now going into slow motion as cars start turning left onto Elm St…Silence….Sound (Click, click…lock & load)…theatre audiance in suspense, silent, intence, waiting in anticipation. Everyone knows what is about to happen…silence……BAM…Screen goes White. Blank!
Next Scene: Version of scene 12 – Paul getting shot, etc…Paul wakes up with a start…covered in cold sweat. (His idea of how it should have been).
Page 2, Scene 20 – WRHS (either 2010, age 75, or 2011, age 76).
To be continued…………………………….”
God save us from amateurs.
Cantara Christopher
Landis himself wrote “I departed ‘The Cellar’ at approximately 5:00 a.m.” This is in Warren Commission Volume 18 p. 687. This is part of Commission Exhibit 1020.
“In his Secret Service report dated November 30, 1963 [CD 3 Exhibits], Landis wrote: “[At Love Field] … I remember speaking to him [Sam Kinney] and standing by the follow-up car and jokingly asking him if he could tell me where the follow-up car was.” In light of Landis’s drinking and obvious lack of sleep, perhaps he wasn’t joking after all.”
Secret Service agent Paul Landis:
"He sounds almost proud of not having read the Warren Report, and said they got it right about no conspiracy and that Oswald as the lone actor, but blew it with the single-bullet theory. That theory holds that a single shot struck the President and also wounded Governor John Connally. And "I was never interviewed by the Warren Commission and still don't understand why," he said Saturday.
Asked about allegations that agents drank heavily the night before in Fort Worth, this witness said he didn't see it.
"I had a coke," he said, and there were Blue Laws in place that severely restricted the sale of liquor.
The quarry the night before the assassination was food that was not readily available "and at no time was I impaired."
“the [Secret] Service admitted to their outing but pretty much denied any negative effect: "That’s a tough one," says Paul Landis, who followed behind JFK's car. "I don’t think that affected me. That’s an arguable point."
“Roy Kellerman, the leader of the security detail, did not seem to know what was happening. He thought a firecracker had gone off. William Greer, at the wheel of the president’s car, did not immediately speed up or swerve away from the shots. Paul Landis, in the vehicle trailing Kennedy’s, did not jump forward to protect the president with his body; neither did Jack Ready…As agent John Norris explained in Bill Sloan’s book J.F.K.: Breaking the Silence and in an interview for Vincent Michael Palamara’s book Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy: “Except for George Hickey and Clint Hill, [many of the others] just basically sat there with their thumbs up their butts while the president was gunned down in front of them.”; Although some in his security force subtly suggested that Kennedy had brought trouble on himself by his purported aversion to the running boards or by plunging into crowds without any notice, others have refused to blame the victim. Agent Gerald Behn, the head of the White House detail, who was not in Dallas that day, told one writer, “I don’t remember Kennedy ever saying that he didn’t want anybody on the back of his car.”
Six Secret Service members stayed at the Cellar until around three in the morning according to the letters they submitted to the Warren Commission. One of the men, Paul Landis, who would ride in the car behind the presidential limousine, wrote that he didn’t leave until five A.M. “Every one of the agents involved had been assigned protective duties that began no later than eight A.M. on November 22, 1963,” observed Philip Melanson…Secret Service Agent Clint Hill tells Vanity Fair that he left the Cellar before two A.M., went back to the hotel, and put in his breakfast order for six A.M. (He told the Warren Commission that he had stayed until 2:45.)…Secret Service agents Clint Hill and Paul Landis scanned the crowd for trouble. Neither had had more than a few hours of sleep…“I knew right away it was a gunshot,” Landis, now 79, tells Vanity Fair, from his home near Cleveland, Ohio. “I was a hunter. I’ve done a lot of shooting. There was no doubt in my mind, in fact.” As it turned out, three of the men just behind the limo, including Landis and Hill—along with Glen Bennett, who was inside their chase car—had gone to the Press Club and then the Cellar the night before. Hill, Ready, and Bennett, by their own statements to the Warren Commission, had stayed until close to three A.M.; Landis, for two hours longer…Landis, when asked what, if anything, might have impeded their actions that day, says that the question of “the drinking was blown out of proportion . . . So other than that, I think you could say, ‘lack of sleep.’ But you’re wide awake . . . going on adrenalin.” Did his being out all night factor into it? “That’s a tough one,” he says. “I don’t think that affected me. That’s an arguable point.”; Letter after letter repeats that of the nine Secret Service agents at the Press Club and the Cellar, only three were due to report for the eight A.M. shift. Numerous times in the report, respondents state that the Cellar was a dry club. “This was a deceptive assertion,” assassination expert Philip Melanson would point out in his book on the history of the Secret Service. “At many clubs and restaurants in the Dallas-Forth Worth area, it was customary, given local liquor laws, for patrons to bring their own liquor, with the management providing setups.”
See also Susan Cheever’s best-selling book:
AND my first book:
and my upcoming third book:

Blaine and Landis with current Secret Service Director Joe Clancy. Told you...

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