Zero Fail (quotes from my fourth book), The updated version of The Secret Service-The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (several pages), The Secrets of the Secret Service (the former agent quotes from my third book), The Kennedy Detail (the former agent refers to me on a few pages- he wrote his book as a reaction to my research), Guardians of Democracy (the former agent refers to this blog), Within Arm’s Length (the former agent has my blurb on the cover), C-SPAN November 2010 DVD with former agents Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill (they show a You Tube video of me and discuss my research), C-SPAN May 2012 DVD with former agent Clint Hill (he discusses my letter about his first book), the original edition of The Secret Service-The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (several pages), My History Channel appearance on The Men Who Killed Kennedy (DVD), My NEWSMAX TV appearance on The Men Who Killed Kennedy (2019-2020), The Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board (images of the excerpt about my Secret Service interviews donation, President Clinton receiving the report, and an image of the cover), Last Word (several pages and my blurb on the cover of the paperback), A Coup in Camelot DVD/ Blu Ray, They Killed Our President (16 pages refer to my work), an image of myself on C-SPAN, A Coup in Camelot via Amazon Prime television, The Man Behind the Suit DVD (I am Associate Producer on this documentary about former agent Robert DeProspero), JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (I am credited at the end), Vanity Fair article 10/17/14 (refers to my first book a couple times), JFK: The Final Hours DVD (program credits-in background slightly above), Murder in Dealey Plaza (I have two chapters), The Kennedy Half Century (refers to this blog), Coinage Magazine February 2010 (several quotes from myself), Publishers Weekly 8/28/2000 (refers to my contribution to Murder in Dealey Plaza, above), JFK: DESTINY BETRAYED (thanked at the end of all four episodes), and 2 images from THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK SBS UK DOCUMENTARY 2021



Secret Service JFK

Secret Service, JFK, President Kennedy, James Rowley, Gerald Behn, Floyd Boring, Roy Kellerman, John Campion, William Greer, Forest Sorrels, Clint Hill, Winston Lawson, Emory Roberts, Sam Kinney, Paul Landis, John "Jack" Ready, William "Tim" McIntyre, Glenn Bennett, George Hickey, Rufus Youngblood, Warren "Woody" Taylor, Jerry Kivett, Lem Johns, John "Muggsy" O'Leary, Sam Sulliman, Ernest Olsson, Robert Steuart, Richard Johnsen, Stewart "Stu" Stout, Roger Warner, Henry "Hank" Rybka, Donald Lawton, Dennis Halterman, Walt Coughlin, Andy Berger, Ron Pontius, Bert de Freese, Jim Goodenough, Bill Duncan, Ned Hall II, Mike Howard, Art Godfrey, Gerald Blaine, Ken Giannoules, Paul Burns, Gerald O'Rourke, Robert Faison, David Grant, John Joe Howlett, Bill Payne, Robert Burke, Frank Yeager, Donald Bendickson, Gerald Bechtle, Howard Norton, Hamilton Brown, Toby Chandler, Chuck Zboril, Joe Paolella, Wade Rodham, Bob Foster, Lynn Meredith, Rad Jones, Thomas Wells, Charlie Kunkel, Stu Knight, Paul Rundle, Glen Weaver, Arnie Lau, Forrest Guthrie, Eve Dempsher, Bob Lilley, Ken Wiesman, Mike Mastrovito, Tony Sherman, Larry Newman, Morgan Gies, Tom Shipman, Ed Tucker, Harvey Henderson, Abe Bolden, Robert Kollar, Ed Mougin, Mac Sweazey, Horace "Harry" Gibbs, Tom Behl, Jim Cantrell, Bill Straughn, Tom Fridley, Mike Kelly, Joe Noonan, Gayle Dobish, Earl Moore, Arthur Blake, John Lardner, Milt Wilhite, Bill Skiles, Louis Mayo, Thomas Wooge, Milt Scheuerman, Talmadge Bailey, Bob Lapham, Bob Newbrand, Bernie Mullady, Jerry Dolan, Vince Mroz, William Bacherman, Howard Anderson, U.E. Baughman, Walt Blaschak, Robert Bouck, George Chaney, William Davis, Paul Doster, Dick Flohr, Jack Fox, John Giuffre, Jim Griffith, Jack Holtzhauer, Andy Hutch, Jim Jeffries, John Paul Jones, Kent Jordan, Dale Keaner, Brooks Keller, Thomas Kelley, Clarence Knetsch, Jackson Krill, Elmer Lawrence, Bill Livingood, J. Leroy Lewis, Dick Metzinger, Jerry McCann, John McCarthy, Ed Morey, Chester Miller, Roy "Gene" Nunn, Jack Parker, Paul Paterni, Burrill Peterson, Max Phillips, Walter Pine, Michael Shannon, Frank Stoner, Cecil Taylor, Charles Taylor, Bob Taylor, Elliot Thacker, Ken Thompson, Mike Torina, Jack Walsh, Jack Warner, Thomas White, Ed Wildy, Carroll Winslow, Dale Wunderlich, Walter Young, Winston Gintz, Bill Carter, C. Douglas Dillon, James Johnson, Larry Hess, Frank Farnsworth, Jim Giovanneti,Bob Gaugh,Don Brett, Jack Gleason, Bob Jamison, Gary Seale, Bill Sherlock, Bob Till, Doc Walters...

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

BEST review I have seen for Hill's new book:

BEST review I have seen for Hill's new book:

3.0 out of 5 stars It's ok but enough already, November 23, 2013
 By toddprovost"the one" - See all my reviews
 This review is from: Five Days in November (Hardcover)
 Other than one nothing-special photo by Miss McCubbin of Arlington Cemetery, all the photos (most of which I have seen before) are from other photographers, while the text is basically "Mrs. Kennedy and Me" lite. Yeah, we get it: you're all heart broken...all the way to the bank. Well, my heart weeps for JFK--he's dead. Also, what is up with all the signed assassination photos from you and your colleagues on a certain popular selling site? Not cool.


The day after the 50th anniversary...we're all still here?

You know and I know this case is never going away. It has been almost A HUNDRED AND FIFTY years and the Lincoln case is hot (huge hit movie, Tom Hanks television program, other programs, countless books, etc). Several books on the assassination are best-sellers and many are selling very, very well.

We all thought the dawning of the 21rst century and (especially) 9/11, let alone the 40th anniversary, would see an end to proceedings...never going to happen. Interest in THE KENNEDYS will always be alive, well, and huge (Caroline as Ambassador to Japan, her own son, the extended Kennedy family, best-selling books on JFK's life, Jackie's life, etc.).

From an historical standpoint, the JFK assassination is very recent- only 9 presidents ago and (God willing) our last assassinated president (may that never, ever happen again). From an aesthetic point of view (because, remember: perception is reality and appearances count), JFK was our most handsome president, brutally taken from us too soon. The Kennedy story is like a terrific book of triumph and tragedy where the last few chapters were ripped out and discarded: we are all trying to fill in the blanks. Unlike the Lincoln case, JFK and his death are "alive and well" thanks to many digital and analog artifacts- films, photos, videos, sound recordings, etc. etc. etc. Even for people NOT alive (or too young to truly remember), JFK is "Marilyn Monroe", "Elvis" and "Madonna": a cultural icon who is (or seems to be) still living thanks to constant media stories, You Tube, and so forth.

And, let's face it: the December 1991 movie "JFK" recalibrated the assassination for everyone- it will ALWAYS be the best movie ever on his murder, warts and all. For millions ( thanks to reruns, still today), THIS IS the assassination story! Awful, amateur-hour movies like "Killing Kennedy" and "Parkland" are for the trash heap.

Will there be a HUGE media blitz like this again (soon)? Probably not (maybe, maybe at the 75th and 100th; who knows). But you DO know that, every anniversary (even the "off" years starting next year), television will rerun prior productions and, who knows, maybe even some new ones; there is plenty "in the can", so to speak. As for the critical community, there is plenty to still hang our hats on in the future: the anniversaries of the Warren Commission, the HSCA, the Stone film, and the only-15-year-old ARRB Final Report.

Dealey Plaza and Arlington Cemetery will continue to draw millions per books will still come out and sell...whether reruns or new productions, many tv programs will continue to run...and, last but certainly not least, the limitless library of the internet will continue to flourish.

No one is going anywhere.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

JFK died because the Kennedy Detail failed: here is the absolute proof

JFK died because the Kennedy Detail failed: here is the absolute proof

I love the Secret Service (1865-2013) but I AM indeed a harsh critic----and rightfully so---of their inaction on 11/22/63 when JFK was left a sitting duck to die. I admire President Kennedy even is awful to know his life could have been spared if these men would have done their normal, professional jobs.

Sadly, for some of these "heroes", multiple books and book tours, documentaries, movie deals, and millions of dollars in blood money (including autographing ASSASSINATION PHOTOS!) are the order of the day; disgusting.

THE PARTY IS almost got away with it. I think they thought I was going to remain a mere "fly in the ointment" who could be easily dismissed as some "conspiracy nut". Think again: my book is a major success and is selling worldwide!

Not "theories" or "vendettas"...just the truth. JFK would have lived, whether Oswald all alone or a conspiracy, if the Kennedy detail would have done their job.

Here is the absolute proof:

Finally, in his zeal to defend Blaine’s errors, fibs and omissions, Blaine friend Frank Badalson makes a whopper of his own. Here it is:

Did you ask Wesleyan University to look for a Boring transcript? Well guess what….it’s there. The author never mentions this, he is so obsessed with slandering Mr. Blaine, that he doesn’t check the obvious.”

What’s the problem? Well, the hard answer would be “read my book”. The easy answer is this total refutation I received today from THE archivist of the Manchester collection:
“Today at 4:38 PM
Dear Vince,
The Guide to the William Manchester Papers, available at, provides a complete listing of all of Manchester’s papers related to The Death of a President. I can confirm that there is no transcript of an interview with Floyd Boring in the papers.

Leith Johnson
University Archivist
Special Collections & Archives
Wesleyan University
Olin Memorial Library”

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Secret Service destroys JFK assassination related records:

I am in the Final Report of the ARRB. Tunheim talks about the poor security afforded JFK by the Secret Service and the 1995 illegal destruction of records

Secret Service destroys JFK assassination related records:

Vince Palamara

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

I am credited at the end of the National Geographic television special "JFK: The Final Hours" 11/8/13; Clint Hill fibs

I am credited at the end of the National Geographic television special "JFK: The Final Hours" 11/8/13; Clint Hill fibs

(I am credited at the end of this television program, a small sample taped off my own tv in the Fair Use doctrine) Secret Service Agent Clint Hill fibs again- JFK did NOT order the agents off the limo in Dallas or elsewhere! HE HIMSELF rode briefly on the rear of the limo on Main Street in Dallas AND the film clip shown near the beginning of this excerpt- unfortunately slowed down [on purpose?]-depicts agents Bob Lilley and Roy Kellerman on the rear of the limo with the top on and the day was a beautiful, no rain situation. Lilley joined his many colleagues in denying that JFK ever ordered the agents off the limo. Lilley further told me that the motorcade shown reached speeds of 50 mph with the agents on the rear of the car! The other clip, run in real time [not slowed down], shows another motorcade with the top on in beautiful, no-rain conditions



The Story Behind the Book

Tony had just turned 16 when he spent a day with his idol John F. Kennedy. It is a true story, written exactly as it took place during President Kennedy’s visit to the author’s hometown, Tampa, Florida, on November 18, 1963.
The author, now a veteran journalist, advertising and real estate practitioner, describes the day he experienced the President of the United States only four days before the chief executive would be assassinated in Dallas.
Young Tony's experience could probably never happen again. The times, the current levels of security, the constraints of a tight schedule, and so many other factors would prevent a president from interacting with the public and especially a young photographer in the same way Kennedy did on that fateful day.
It's doubtful a kid, shooting for his high school newspaper, could possibly gain the same access today.
Tony tells you exactly what it was like to interact with the President of the United States and one so beloved by the masses. He describes the planning, excitement, security precautions and even several personal brushes he had with Kennedy.
His pictures are amazing and well presented. It’s a book you’ll want to pass down for generations so others can see and understand what happened fifty years ago.
“John F. Kennedy: An Amazing Day for a President and a Kid with His Camera" is also a great gift for those who remember Kennedy first hand and for those who were not around to experience Camelot.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


"JFK: The Smoking Gun" is an EXCELLENT documentary with much valuable material included...but I am still unconvinced that Hickey fired the fatal shot. Still, much of value to be found within.
