This review is from: The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence (Hardcover)
I bought this book hoping there would be new information about the Kennedy assasination. What a disappointment!! Instead of providing insight into the assassination, the book drones on about (1) agent's complaining about not getting to eat meals, being away from their families, being overworked, not getting sleep, etc., etc. (2) how fantastic every agent on the detail was, (3) how they couldn't have done anything more than they did to protect the president (4) how thorough the Warren Commission report was, (5) how emotionally affected each agent was after the assassination and (6) how mean people were suggesting that there was a conspiracy. The book was much more concerned with shaping a fictitious image of the Secret Service (spelled CYA) and supporting the government fabrication about the tragedy in Dallas than shedding any light on the truth. Many of Blaine's comments are in direct contradiction to facts that even government agency's have indicated were true while other comments just gloss over anything that might interfere with his "reality".Just a handful of questions the book raises ...
Many of the agents in Dallas were out partying into the early morning hours of November 22; even if, as he states, they were off duty and not inebriated, the question left unanswered is why weren't they back at the hotel sleeping since throughout the book they complain about not getting enough rest. He talks about how stressful they expected the day to be and how important "mental alertness" was for them being able to do thier job. And yet somehow, he doesn't see the inherent contradiction.
Why was Johnson's detail already covering the VP while Kennedy's detail still hadn't even reacted cause "they weren't sure if what they heard was gunfire".
In what fantasy world does anyone actually believe that Ruby killed Oswald because of how much he cared about the Kennedy family.
Why does an agent, who at the time, says he thought at least one of the shots came from the grassy knoll and saw someone running in that direction after the fact, realize "when he thought back with a rational mind" years later that he was wrong. What pressure was applied to give him a clearer memory.
Why does Blaine see no validity in any assassination conspiracy theory yet when he couldn't sell the Secret Service IBM equipment, he immediately blamed in on a conspiracy to pay him back for leaving the Service.
Blaine says Chief Rowley told agents to lie whenever asked if the president ordered them to stay off the back of his car in an effort to "protect the president". What other lies might have been told in order to "protect" each other.
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