6/15/13- Awesome day: participated in a major documentary for commercial dvd (and more)! Mentally exhausted and the ole voice is a little tired- 4 and a half hours of talking under klieg lights. I think it will kick butt when it comes out. Authors Dr Mantik and Doug Horne are participants, too.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
ANOTHER reader is not fooled by Gerald Blaine's lies
This review is from: The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence (Hardcover)
I bought this book hoping there would be new information about the Kennedy assasination. What a disappointment!! Instead of providing insight into the assassination, the book drones on about (1) agent's complaining about not getting to eat meals, being away from their families, being overworked, not getting sleep, etc., etc. (2) how fantastic every agent on the detail was, (3) how they couldn't have done anything more than they did to protect the president (4) how thorough the Warren Commission report was, (5) how emotionally affected each agent was after the assassination and (6) how mean people were suggesting that there was a conspiracy. The book was much more concerned with shaping a fictitious image of the Secret Service (spelled CYA) and supporting the government fabrication about the tragedy in Dallas than shedding any light on the truth. Many of Blaine's comments are in direct contradiction to facts that even government agency's have indicated were true while other comments just gloss over anything that might interfere with his "reality".Just a handful of questions the book raises ...
Many of the agents in Dallas were out partying into the early morning hours of November 22; even if, as he states, they were off duty and not inebriated, the question left unanswered is why weren't they back at the hotel sleeping since throughout the book they complain about not getting enough rest. He talks about how stressful they expected the day to be and how important "mental alertness" was for them being able to do thier job. And yet somehow, he doesn't see the inherent contradiction.
Why was Johnson's detail already covering the VP while Kennedy's detail still hadn't even reacted cause "they weren't sure if what they heard was gunfire".
In what fantasy world does anyone actually believe that Ruby killed Oswald because of how much he cared about the Kennedy family.
Why does an agent, who at the time, says he thought at least one of the shots came from the grassy knoll and saw someone running in that direction after the fact, realize "when he thought back with a rational mind" years later that he was wrong. What pressure was applied to give him a clearer memory.
Why does Blaine see no validity in any assassination conspiracy theory yet when he couldn't sell the Secret Service IBM equipment, he immediately blamed in on a conspiracy to pay him back for leaving the Service.
Blaine says Chief Rowley told agents to lie whenever asked if the president ordered them to stay off the back of his car in an effort to "protect the president". What other lies might have been told in order to "protect" each other.
gerald blaine,
secret service,
vince palamara
Thursday, June 6, 2013
EXCELLENT security in Tampa for JFK 11/18/63
It was 4 days before JFK would be assassinated at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, the date was Nov. 18th. 1963 when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s plane would touch down at Mac Dill Air Force Base. He and General Paul D. Adams would sit in the very same Lincoln that he and his wife Jackie would be in on that fateful day in Dallas.The motorcades in Texas needed Jackie. For you see they made an amazingly photogenic couple and the campaign needed the Texas voter. The Tampa motorcade route would begin after a speech at Al Lopez Field. It went south on Dale Mabry then turned east and ran 5 miles up Grand Central Avenue to Franklin Street. Winded it’s way around to Howard Avenue and stopped at the Fort Homer Hesterley Armory where he would deliver another speech. Then back to Grand Central Avenue and west to the International Inn (now the InterContinental). After another 20 minute speech back to Grand Central Avenue and then return to MacDill. In JFK’s entire presidency this would be his second longest motorcade route, eclipsed only by his famous Berlin, Germany trip. On this entire route JFK was guarded front, back and all sides by the Tampa Police Department Motor Officers, 34 motor units in all on that sunny day in November. I recently talked with retired TPD motor officer Russell Groover (who with officer Ronald Barber) were chosen to be the two motor units closest to JFK. The FBI and Tampa Police started recieving threats against the President two weeks before his landing. Two days before the President’s arrival when asked by the Secret Service “If anyone breaks through this perimeter you are to take them out. How would you do this?” Without thinking, officer Groover said “I’d hit them with my motorcycle”. With hands needed to operate the motor unit and the possibility of a stray bullet into the crowd, it was the correct answer. Officer Barber agreed and they had their two “lead” men to the left and right of our 35th President. Officer Groover drew a detailed diagram of the TPD motor unit deployment. It was a very closely spaced diamond of 7 units around JFK’s car and the remaining 23 boxing in that formation. He also commented that in every multi story building along the motorcade there were police or military stationed on every floor and the roof. At Mac Dill, president Kennedy thanked every officer personally and with a handshake, for Tampa did its job well and JFK boarded Air Force One without incident.
The motor units are of immense value in a motorcade due to narrow road lanes and crowded conditions. They can pass, drop back and are a great tool to “push” back an overzealous crowd from the Presidential cars in such limited space.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
OUTSTANDING JFK assassination article !!!!
OUTSTANDING JFK assassination article !!!!
Vince Palamara
Vince Palamara
JFK assassination books sell!
Updated June 2, 2013, 10:20 p.m. ET
For JFK Authors, the Truth Is, Conspiracy Theories Sell Lots of Books
50th Anniversary of Assassination Prompts Torrent of Words; Four 'Whitewash' Titles . When it comes to President John F. Kennedy's assassination, no word has been left unturned. As the 50th anniversary draws near, some might think there is little left to say. That turns out not to be the case. Tony Lyons, president of Skyhorse Publishing, joins Lunch Break.
.When it comes to President John F. Kennedy's assassination, no word has been left unturned.
As the 50th anniversary draws near, some might think there is little left to say. That turns out not to be the case.
Skyhorse Publishing, an eclectic New York house whose imprints offer titles ranging from essayist John Graves's "My Dogs & Guns" to Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan's "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out," is publishing 25 books related to the assassination this year.
Who Killed President Kennedy?
As the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination draws near, here are some new titles and reprints arriving on the already crowded JFK bookshelves.
View Graphics
.Other publishers also are coming out with JFK-related titles tied to the anniversary. But Skyhorse is issuing eight new titles, flanked by 17 reprints. The publisher started the year with 12 JFK-related titles, which means it will have 37 by year's end.
"This is a big gamble for us, but I don't see that much downside," says Tony Lyons, Skyhorse's publisher. "It's one of the biggest events in history."
It has been covered. Bowker's Books In Print says nearly 1,400 titles related to President Kennedy, including his assassination, conspiracy works, biographies and speeches, have been published in the U.S. over the past five decades.
By comparison, the company says there were more than 3,300 titles related to Abraham Lincoln published during the same period, and nearly 800 about the Titanic.
Many of the Skyhorse works have vivid titles, among them Mark North's "Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy" and Patrick Nolan's "CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedys."
For those who doubt the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone on Nov. 22, 1963, Skyhorse is republishing four separate "Whitewash" titles by the late Harold Weisberg, including "Whitewash III: The Photographic Whitewash of the JFK Assassination." Skyhorse is also republishing related titles by Mark Lane and the late Jim Garrison, the former New Orleans district attorney whose "On the Trail of the Assassins" helped inspire Oliver Stone's movie "JFK."
"We've been fortunate to be able to track down and acquire so many of the classics in the field," says Mr. Lyons.
It takes more nerve than dollars to publish so many titles about JFK.
Mr. Lyons says Skyhorse's eight new books on the subject represent an investment of about $1 million, including costs related to acquisition, printing and marketing.
Skyhorse is investing about $300,000 to $400,000 to publish its 17 JFK reprints. If it sells only 3,000 copies of each of those, it will likely lose money, he says. But if it sells 5,000 to 10,000 copies each, Mr. Lyons says the books "will be very profitable."
Some of the best-known conspiracy authors are lawyers by training, but it is a wide-open field. In April, Skyhorse issued "Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination," by actor/comedian Richard Belzer and investigative journalist David Wayne.
"If anyone doesn't think there was a conspiracy in the assassination, they only have to read this book," Mr. Belzer says.
Spread across 50 chapters, "Hit List" has this to say about gangster Sam Giancana: "Congressional investigators knew that Giancana was linked to the JFK assassination and ordered him to testify. On June 19, 1975, very shortly before that testimony would have taken place, Giancana was gunned down in the basement kitchen of his quiet suburban Chicago home while frying sausages."
The chapter's conclusion: Mr. Giancana was killed as part of a conspiracy to cover up the conspiracy to kill the president.
Presidential historian Robert Dallek believes he knows why—despite the Warren Commission's conclusion—so many think there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. "People can't believe that somebody as consequential as Kennedy was killed by somebody as inconsequential as Oswald," he says.
Mr. Dallek's new book, "Camelot's Court," a look at how President Kennedy weighed the counsel provided by his brainy advisers, is being published this fall by Harper, an imprint of News Corp NWSA +1.15%.'s HarperCollins Publishers. News Corp. also publishes The Wall Street Journal.
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CloseJohn F. Kennedy
.Fascination with the JFK assassination remains a fixture of the national psyche. Among the most successful nonfiction titles of 2012 was "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, which has sold more than 1.6 million copies in the U.S. in all formats, according to its publisher, Henry Holt.
While measuring the literary popularity of presidents is hardly an exact science, JFK memorabilia remain in strong demand, says Daniel Weinberg, who sells presidential books and memorabilia at the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago.
He ranks the interest in JFK material right behind that in Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. "Collectabilty and popularity go hand in hand," he says.
"We have people coming in all the time, asking for what's new," says Patrick Whyte, co-owner of the Conspiracy Culture bookstore in Toronto. Mr. Whyte is confident there was a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination and believes the truth may be close to emerging.
"A lot of people involved are probably reaching the end of their rope and want to get stuff off their chest," he says.
Who killed President Kennedy? In his book "Betrayal in Dallas: LBJ, the Pearl Street Mafia, and the Murder of President Kennedy," Mark North argues that the guilty parties were contract killers hired by the Mafia to stop federal investigations in New Orleans and Dallas.
"The public hasn't been told the truth," he says.
Some conspiracy books have stayed in print for years. Peter Dale Scott, author of a title Skyhorse is issuing this September as "Oswald, Mexico, and Deep Politics: Revelations from CIA Records on the Assassination of JFK," says the title had three earlier publishers. "Some people want to know more about the assassination, but more want to understand the American political process," he says.
One group that may not be as aware of the anniversary is the nation's millennial generation.
"They come in knowing very little about the assassination," says Tom Stone, a senior lecturer in English at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, who has taught classes about it for 20 years.
"They know he was president, they know he was shot and died, they know it happened in Dallas," Mr. Stone says. "Beyond that, they are a blank slate. That's why we have anniversaries that end in zero, so we can educate people."
For JFK Authors, the Truth Is, Conspiracy Theories Sell Lots of Books
50th Anniversary of Assassination Prompts Torrent of Words; Four 'Whitewash' Titles . When it comes to President John F. Kennedy's assassination, no word has been left unturned. As the 50th anniversary draws near, some might think there is little left to say. That turns out not to be the case. Tony Lyons, president of Skyhorse Publishing, joins Lunch Break.
.When it comes to President John F. Kennedy's assassination, no word has been left unturned.
As the 50th anniversary draws near, some might think there is little left to say. That turns out not to be the case.
Skyhorse Publishing, an eclectic New York house whose imprints offer titles ranging from essayist John Graves's "My Dogs & Guns" to Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan's "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out," is publishing 25 books related to the assassination this year.
Who Killed President Kennedy?
As the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination draws near, here are some new titles and reprints arriving on the already crowded JFK bookshelves.
View Graphics
.Other publishers also are coming out with JFK-related titles tied to the anniversary. But Skyhorse is issuing eight new titles, flanked by 17 reprints. The publisher started the year with 12 JFK-related titles, which means it will have 37 by year's end.
"This is a big gamble for us, but I don't see that much downside," says Tony Lyons, Skyhorse's publisher. "It's one of the biggest events in history."
It has been covered. Bowker's Books In Print says nearly 1,400 titles related to President Kennedy, including his assassination, conspiracy works, biographies and speeches, have been published in the U.S. over the past five decades.
By comparison, the company says there were more than 3,300 titles related to Abraham Lincoln published during the same period, and nearly 800 about the Titanic.
Many of the Skyhorse works have vivid titles, among them Mark North's "Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy" and Patrick Nolan's "CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedys."
For those who doubt the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone on Nov. 22, 1963, Skyhorse is republishing four separate "Whitewash" titles by the late Harold Weisberg, including "Whitewash III: The Photographic Whitewash of the JFK Assassination." Skyhorse is also republishing related titles by Mark Lane and the late Jim Garrison, the former New Orleans district attorney whose "On the Trail of the Assassins" helped inspire Oliver Stone's movie "JFK."
"We've been fortunate to be able to track down and acquire so many of the classics in the field," says Mr. Lyons.
It takes more nerve than dollars to publish so many titles about JFK.
Mr. Lyons says Skyhorse's eight new books on the subject represent an investment of about $1 million, including costs related to acquisition, printing and marketing.
Skyhorse is investing about $300,000 to $400,000 to publish its 17 JFK reprints. If it sells only 3,000 copies of each of those, it will likely lose money, he says. But if it sells 5,000 to 10,000 copies each, Mr. Lyons says the books "will be very profitable."
Some of the best-known conspiracy authors are lawyers by training, but it is a wide-open field. In April, Skyhorse issued "Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination," by actor/comedian Richard Belzer and investigative journalist David Wayne.
"If anyone doesn't think there was a conspiracy in the assassination, they only have to read this book," Mr. Belzer says.
Spread across 50 chapters, "Hit List" has this to say about gangster Sam Giancana: "Congressional investigators knew that Giancana was linked to the JFK assassination and ordered him to testify. On June 19, 1975, very shortly before that testimony would have taken place, Giancana was gunned down in the basement kitchen of his quiet suburban Chicago home while frying sausages."
The chapter's conclusion: Mr. Giancana was killed as part of a conspiracy to cover up the conspiracy to kill the president.
Presidential historian Robert Dallek believes he knows why—despite the Warren Commission's conclusion—so many think there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. "People can't believe that somebody as consequential as Kennedy was killed by somebody as inconsequential as Oswald," he says.
Mr. Dallek's new book, "Camelot's Court," a look at how President Kennedy weighed the counsel provided by his brainy advisers, is being published this fall by Harper, an imprint of News Corp NWSA +1.15%.'s HarperCollins Publishers. News Corp. also publishes The Wall Street Journal.
Enlarge Image
CloseJohn F. Kennedy
.Fascination with the JFK assassination remains a fixture of the national psyche. Among the most successful nonfiction titles of 2012 was "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, which has sold more than 1.6 million copies in the U.S. in all formats, according to its publisher, Henry Holt.
While measuring the literary popularity of presidents is hardly an exact science, JFK memorabilia remain in strong demand, says Daniel Weinberg, who sells presidential books and memorabilia at the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago.
He ranks the interest in JFK material right behind that in Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. "Collectabilty and popularity go hand in hand," he says.
"We have people coming in all the time, asking for what's new," says Patrick Whyte, co-owner of the Conspiracy Culture bookstore in Toronto. Mr. Whyte is confident there was a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination and believes the truth may be close to emerging.
"A lot of people involved are probably reaching the end of their rope and want to get stuff off their chest," he says.
Who killed President Kennedy? In his book "Betrayal in Dallas: LBJ, the Pearl Street Mafia, and the Murder of President Kennedy," Mark North argues that the guilty parties were contract killers hired by the Mafia to stop federal investigations in New Orleans and Dallas.
"The public hasn't been told the truth," he says.
Some conspiracy books have stayed in print for years. Peter Dale Scott, author of a title Skyhorse is issuing this September as "Oswald, Mexico, and Deep Politics: Revelations from CIA Records on the Assassination of JFK," says the title had three earlier publishers. "Some people want to know more about the assassination, but more want to understand the American political process," he says.
One group that may not be as aware of the anniversary is the nation's millennial generation.
"They come in knowing very little about the assassination," says Tom Stone, a senior lecturer in English at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, who has taught classes about it for 20 years.
"They know he was president, they know he was shot and died, they know it happened in Dallas," Mr. Stone says. "Beyond that, they are a blank slate. That's why we have anniversaries that end in zero, so we can educate people."
(take anything he says with huge grain of salt:) Retired Secret Service agent talks about day of Kennedy assassination
(take anything he says with huge grain of salt:) Retired Secret Service agent talks about day of Kennedy assassination
TEGAN HANLON The Dallas Morning News
Staff Writer
As a Secret Service agent assigned to the presidential detail on Nov. 22, 1963, Mike Howard was a busy fellow.
Soon after President John F. Kennedy and his wife departed from their Fort Worth hotel for Dallas that morning, Howard and other agents faced a monumental duty — meticulously collecting the half-used cologne, scraps of paper, bars of soap and even left-behind pieces of thread from the Kennedys’ hotel suite into two trash bags.
“By the time we got everything into those bags we heard over the TV that there had been a shot fired in Dallas,” Howard, 82, recalled Monday afternoon at the Carrollton Senior Center. The retired agent spoke there during an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination.
Immediately after the shooting, Howard’s duties quickly changed. Soon he would be questioning suspects and in time, he would guard the family of Lee Harvey Oswald.
But first he had to get to Dallas.
After hearing of the shooting, Howard got into the Tarrant County sheriff’s new Ford Crown Victoria. The car could go as fast as 150 mph, which Howard said he thought was “kind of funny — until we got in and took that drive to Dallas.”
As the speedometer hit 130 mph, Howard gripped the passenger seat as he, the sheriff and other agents sped to Parkland Hospital, where police and media vehicles had filled the parking lot. But by the time they arrived, the president was dead.
Many of the more than 120 audience members who packed the center to hear Howard on Monday could also recall where they were when they heard about Kennedy’s assassination.
Ronnie Donald had just left a geology exam at Arlington State College, now the University of Texas at Arlington. “I walked out, and usually the campus is busy, but there weren’t any students around,” said Donald, 69.
He asked a campus police officer what was going on.
“I was shocked,” the Dallas resident said. Donald headed to the student union and found his peers glued to the TV.
Meanwhile Howard, a Secret Service agent from 1960 to 1974, had received two phone calls. One was from headquarters in Washington, D.C. The other was from Lyndon Johnson. Authorities had a suspect in the shooting — Lee Harvey Oswald — and Johnson wanted Howard to help protect Oswald’s wife, Marina, and their two children.
“He said, ‘Mike, I don’t care what you do, you don’t let anything happen to these people,’” Howard recalled. He said Johnson, who had been sworn in as president at Love Field while aboard Air Force One, told him that there were rumors someone wanted to kill Oswald’s family by dragging them through the streets of Dallas.
“He said, ‘I don’t want that to happen. It’s not their fault that it happened,’” Howard said. “I said, yes sir, whatever you think, sir.”
By the next year, Howard was on a protection detail for the Johnson family, the assignment he held until he retired for medical reasons. He accompanied the president’s daughter, Lynda Bird Johnson, to school while she was in college.
On a trip to New York City, Howard said, he shielded the 19-year-old from a group of angry girls who wanted to attack her for dating popular actor George Hamilton.
“People try to get close to their children,” Howard said about the girls, who carried sulfuric acid. “It can be very touchy. You have to be very careful.”
Howard, who was born in Nocona, now lives on a ranch near Prosper. It wasn’t his intent to protect presidents and other prominent leaders. It just happened.
“I was in the military police, so that got me started and I just kind of liked it,” he said. “So, as time went by, I just kind of stuck with it.”
The tall tales of Mike Howard
4/26/64 It was charged here [San Francisco] yesterday that a Dallas Secret Service agent deliberately "planted" a false story about the assassination of President Kennedy.
New York attorney Mark Lane .. charged that the phony story was "leaked" to a Ft. Worth reporter on 2/9 to take press attention away from the appearance of Oswald's mother before the Commission on the following day.
[Story refers to Negro janitor alleged to have seen Oswald shoot.]
5/9/64 Mark Lane ... charged the Secret Service with deliberately planting a false story in the press ... According to Lane, the ... falsification concerned an article in the 2/10 issue of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram ... "The story broke the same day Oswald's mother was to appear as the first witness on behalf of Lee Oswald. It was obviously calculated to prevent press coverage of any witness who was going to raise doubts about Oswald's guilt." National Guardian
[Story given by Mike Howard, Secret Service, to Thayer Waldo, reporter for the Star-Telegram: a Negro janitor, looking out of a window on the same floor Texas School Book Depository, heard first shot, saw Oswald and was prepared to identify him. AP account of Star-Telegram story filed Chronology, 2/9, 813 to 1143 pcs.]
See Secret Service 2/13/64 – AP, 131 aes, Sterling Green
5/9/64 Mark Lane, in a statement to the Guardian 5/4 ... said he has learned that a second rifle, not the one attributed to Oswald, was found on the roof of the Texas School Book Depository building the day the President was murdered.
[Lane describes meeting between Thayer Waldo, reporter for Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, and Mike Howard, Secret Service agent.] ... At one point during their meeting, Waldo asked Mike Howard whether there was any truth to the story that another rifle was found on the roof of the school book building, a story that had previously been denied. Mike Howard replied: "Yes, we found a rifle on the roof, but it was dropped by a Dallas police officer earlier in the day and he forgot to pick it up." National Guardian
TEGAN HANLON The Dallas Morning News
Staff Writer
As a Secret Service agent assigned to the presidential detail on Nov. 22, 1963, Mike Howard was a busy fellow.
Soon after President John F. Kennedy and his wife departed from their Fort Worth hotel for Dallas that morning, Howard and other agents faced a monumental duty — meticulously collecting the half-used cologne, scraps of paper, bars of soap and even left-behind pieces of thread from the Kennedys’ hotel suite into two trash bags.
“By the time we got everything into those bags we heard over the TV that there had been a shot fired in Dallas,” Howard, 82, recalled Monday afternoon at the Carrollton Senior Center. The retired agent spoke there during an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination.
Immediately after the shooting, Howard’s duties quickly changed. Soon he would be questioning suspects and in time, he would guard the family of Lee Harvey Oswald.
But first he had to get to Dallas.
After hearing of the shooting, Howard got into the Tarrant County sheriff’s new Ford Crown Victoria. The car could go as fast as 150 mph, which Howard said he thought was “kind of funny — until we got in and took that drive to Dallas.”
As the speedometer hit 130 mph, Howard gripped the passenger seat as he, the sheriff and other agents sped to Parkland Hospital, where police and media vehicles had filled the parking lot. But by the time they arrived, the president was dead.
Many of the more than 120 audience members who packed the center to hear Howard on Monday could also recall where they were when they heard about Kennedy’s assassination.
Ronnie Donald had just left a geology exam at Arlington State College, now the University of Texas at Arlington. “I walked out, and usually the campus is busy, but there weren’t any students around,” said Donald, 69.
He asked a campus police officer what was going on.
“I was shocked,” the Dallas resident said. Donald headed to the student union and found his peers glued to the TV.
Meanwhile Howard, a Secret Service agent from 1960 to 1974, had received two phone calls. One was from headquarters in Washington, D.C. The other was from Lyndon Johnson. Authorities had a suspect in the shooting — Lee Harvey Oswald — and Johnson wanted Howard to help protect Oswald’s wife, Marina, and their two children.
“He said, ‘Mike, I don’t care what you do, you don’t let anything happen to these people,’” Howard recalled. He said Johnson, who had been sworn in as president at Love Field while aboard Air Force One, told him that there were rumors someone wanted to kill Oswald’s family by dragging them through the streets of Dallas.
“He said, ‘I don’t want that to happen. It’s not their fault that it happened,’” Howard said. “I said, yes sir, whatever you think, sir.”
By the next year, Howard was on a protection detail for the Johnson family, the assignment he held until he retired for medical reasons. He accompanied the president’s daughter, Lynda Bird Johnson, to school while she was in college.
On a trip to New York City, Howard said, he shielded the 19-year-old from a group of angry girls who wanted to attack her for dating popular actor George Hamilton.
“People try to get close to their children,” Howard said about the girls, who carried sulfuric acid. “It can be very touchy. You have to be very careful.”
Howard, who was born in Nocona, now lives on a ranch near Prosper. It wasn’t his intent to protect presidents and other prominent leaders. It just happened.
“I was in the military police, so that got me started and I just kind of liked it,” he said. “So, as time went by, I just kind of stuck with it.”
The tall tales of Mike Howard
4/26/64 It was charged here [San Francisco] yesterday that a Dallas Secret Service agent deliberately "planted" a false story about the assassination of President Kennedy.
New York attorney Mark Lane .. charged that the phony story was "leaked" to a Ft. Worth reporter on 2/9 to take press attention away from the appearance of Oswald's mother before the Commission on the following day.
[Story refers to Negro janitor alleged to have seen Oswald shoot.]
5/9/64 Mark Lane ... charged the Secret Service with deliberately planting a false story in the press ... According to Lane, the ... falsification concerned an article in the 2/10 issue of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram ... "The story broke the same day Oswald's mother was to appear as the first witness on behalf of Lee Oswald. It was obviously calculated to prevent press coverage of any witness who was going to raise doubts about Oswald's guilt." National Guardian
[Story given by Mike Howard, Secret Service, to Thayer Waldo, reporter for the Star-Telegram: a Negro janitor, looking out of a window on the same floor Texas School Book Depository, heard first shot, saw Oswald and was prepared to identify him. AP account of Star-Telegram story filed Chronology, 2/9, 813 to 1143 pcs.]
See Secret Service 2/13/64 – AP, 131 aes, Sterling Green
5/9/64 Mark Lane, in a statement to the Guardian 5/4 ... said he has learned that a second rifle, not the one attributed to Oswald, was found on the roof of the Texas School Book Depository building the day the President was murdered.
[Lane describes meeting between Thayer Waldo, reporter for Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, and Mike Howard, Secret Service agent.] ... At one point during their meeting, Waldo asked Mike Howard whether there was any truth to the story that another rifle was found on the roof of the school book building, a story that had previously been denied. Mike Howard replied: "Yes, we found a rifle on the roof, but it was dropped by a Dallas police officer earlier in the day and he forgot to pick it up." National Guardian
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