Monday, February 25, 2013


Robert E. Lilley, WHD agent with JFK from election night until Oct. 1963 (ARROW): transferred to Boston Office - When the author told this former agent what Mr. Behn said in September 1992, that Kennedy never said a thing about having the agents removed from the limousine (thus repudiating his own report), Lilley responded:  "Oh, I'm sure he [JFK] didn't [order agents off his car, agreeing with Behn].  He was very cooperative with us once he became President.  He was extremely cooperative.  Basically, 'whatever you guys want is the way it will be'."  In interviews and correspondence on four separate occasions, Lilley reiterated this view. Lilley also refuted the Bishop and Manchester accounts, adding that, as an example, on a trip with JFK in Caracas, Venezuela, he and "Roy Kellerman rode on the back of the limousine all the way to the Presidential palace" at speeds reaching "50 miles per hour."  Furthermore, Lilley did the advance work for JFK’s trip to Naples, Italy in the summer of 1963: again, agents rode on the rear of the limousine.

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