Tuesday, February 26, 2013


1961, Puerto Rico and Venezuela; 1963, Ireland and Germany- JFK was protected very well before the Texas trip: agents on/ near the rear of the limo, partial or full bubbletop, SAIC Behn or ASAIC Boring on the trips, motorcycles plenty and in proper formation, police AND/ OR military lining street and FACING crowd, underpasses guarded with no spectators allowed, fast speed of cars, press and photographers in a flatbed truck in FRONT of limo, good intelligence and response to local threats, etc. JFK didn't give a rat's behind  if the top was on or off the limo---he rode with it on a fair amount of time and, in fact, seemed to prefer the PARTIAL top: just the front and rear on the car with the middle open for air and to periodically stand. His bad back would prevent him from seeing the agents on the rear of the limo and HE DIDN'T CARE- he never ordered them off! Blaine has messed up history by BLAMING THE VICTIM...my book, COMING OUT FALL 2013 WORLDWIDE, will crucify him and his "pals". A lot of the Amazon reviews for Blaine's book make me want to puke- many are obviously planted/ friendly reviews, too: from his home state, former agents, etc. Blaine during his book tour: "THERE WAS NOTHING THE SECRET SERVICE COULD HAVE DONE TO PREVENT THE ASSASSINATION"...and people like Chris Matthews bought it!

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