Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Publishers Weekly"+ other great reviews of a book I have two chapters in: "Murder In Dealey Plaza"

16 of 19 people found the following review helpful


By Karin McLeer (Palm Springs, CA United States) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

Solid articles throughout. Mantik, Aguilar & Horne's articles on the medical evidence are by themselves worth the price of admission. Vince Palamara proves once again that he is the authority on the Secret Service's role in Dallas. Jack White continues his work on the Zapruder film, and Doug Weldon proposes a new angle on throat wound. And Ira Wood's timeline is a valuable tool for researchers.

Thanks Professor Fetzer.

My advise: Buy this book, read it, digest it, read it again.

23 of 28 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS ONE!, September 20, 2000

By A Customer

This review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

Prof. James Fetzer & Co. have produced a landmark book into the study of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. "Murder in Dealey Plaza" is brilliantly written and researched from start to finish and it proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that there was a massive conspiracy and orchestrated cover-up involving our government (the Secret Service seems to be behind everything that fateful weekend-planning, no protection, body, autopsy, evidence, limousine, and on and on). The writings of Douglas Weldon and Vincent Palamara on the Secret Srrvice are first-rate, as is the remarkable medical chapters by Aguilar and Mantic. Looking at my crowded bookshelf I must have 80 or more books related to this subject-this one is the best of the bunch! Get it! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Wow and Double wow!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-), September 14, 2000

By Tammy Toski (Philadelphia, PA USA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

"Murder in Dealey Plaza" is soooooo great! I'm no expert or anything, but I've read alot on this subject and this one is my fav! My fav parts are the chronology by Wood and the Secret Service chapter by Palamera. I can't rave about this bok enough-I'm already rereading it as I type this! 8-) Help other customers find the most helpful reviews

13 of 19 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Indispensable book about death of JFK, September 13, 2000

By A Customer

This review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

Mr. Fetzer and his able band of contributors have impressed me to no end. "Murder in Dealey Plaza" is the finest work I've read on the assassination since "Six Seconds In Dallas" and, in fact, is far superior to that work. The chronology by Mr. Wood is, in a word, incredible! The works of Mr. Palamara on driver Greer and the Secret Service is outstanding; I never thought of the Secret Service as suspect until now. Drs. Mantik & Aguilar have written and produced medical compilations second to none here. Mr. Horn is to be comended for the breakthrough on the two brains. I wasn't at all impressed with the color insert on the Zapruder and other films, but, hey, no one's perfect. STILL, all in all, an outstanding contribution to this complicated case.

11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Hard facts for Americans, September 20, 2000

By Thomas Wilson (Pittsburgh,PA [yep, THAT Tom Wilson- from "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"; died soon after posting this review]) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

I have just completed an extensive review of Professor Fetzer's book, Murder In Dealey Plaza,Catfeet Press. I believe any concerned citizen and particularly students will find this material cuts to the core of the truth in this very complex subject, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. No smoke and mirrors, just plain old hard facts. I hope young folks and their elders will read this and speak up for the truth to be told to the American people. We live in a great country, let's keep it that way. Sincerely,Thomas Wilson
11 of 15 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars I am amazed at this book!, September 2, 2000

By A Customer

This review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

I cannot believe just how incredibly good this book truly is. "Murder in Dealey Plaza" has convinced me that al those years of reading and believing paid off-there was indeed a massive conspiracy and cover-up, no doubt by the Secret Service and the government. The medical evidence was always a jigsw puzzle to me until now-no longer. Horn, Palamara, Aguilar, Mantik, White, Wood, and Fetzer all deserve congressional medals of honor for this book. I'm truly a believer!
18 of 19 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Fetzer hits a home run, August 26, 2000

By David Jarrett (Falls Church, VA, USA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

I have to admit that I really wanted to dislike this book because I don't share his views about the Zapruder film. But facts are facts-this is a truly great book and it's the best one I ever read on this complicated subject. I thought his first book was kinda a hodge-podge of info. that was kinda jumbled around-not this one! Much, much, much better! Phenomenal chapters on the limousine (Weldon), Secret Service (Palamera), medical area (Aguillar, Mantik, Horne), and a whole lot more. I urge anyone and everyone to read 'Murder in Dealey Plaza'. I can't wait to read it again-it's that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

52 of 57 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars EASILY ONE OF THE TOP 5 BEST JFK CASE BOOKS OF ALL TIME!, August 26, 2000

By Vince Palamara (Pittsburgh, PA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Murder in Dealey Plaza: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (Paperback)

I am very, very impressed with this book---easily in my top 5 of all time on this important case (along with "Bloody Treason", "Cover Up" by Galanor, "Treachery In Dallas", & "The Warren Omission"); perhaps THE best single volume to deal with the JFK assassination (ALL the hard evidence of conspiracy from the newly-released ARRB government documents & testimony, especially as it relates to the medical evidence)! Fetzer's first volume ("Assassination Science") was good but this is light years ahead of that tome. For starters, this volume appeals to the novice and the jaded expert, complete with a fantastic chronology of November 22, 1963 that succeeds in bringing everyone up to speed while providing fascinating new and/ or overlooked details of the crime. There are three MAJOR medical evidence sections of this book [by Drs. Aguilar & Mantik, as well as Horne from the ARRB]that contain the HARD evidence of conspiracy and coverup (comprehensive and amazing in every detail), as well as a very thoughtful analysis of the state of the case in the (blinded)eyes of history (and historians). Finally, there are powerful chapters dealing with the limousine and the role of the Secret Service that will truly enlighten and inform (and they make appropriate companions to the medical evidence chapters), along with a couple other surprises. Highly recommended reading: buy it asap!
Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly

A compendium of recent thought and discovery about the Kennedy assassination, this volume makes a case for official malfeasance and against the "lone gunman" explanation. Fetzer (Assassination Science), a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, sets the tone for an in-depth revisionist history in his prologue, in which he makes note of what he views as 16 "smoking guns" in the Warren Report and questions the veracity of the JFK autopsy photographs and tissue samples, and even the Zapruder film. Most contributors explore these topics in detail, aided by Ira Wood's precisely detailed "November 22, 1963: A Chronology." In provocative essays, Douglas Weldon explores tangled vehicle-related evidence that he concludes indicates that JFK was shot through the throat from in front of the car rather than from behind; Vincent Palamara names several Secret Service agents who he believes may have been compromised; and Fetzer discusses the little-seen "Assassination File" of former Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry. Also included is Bertrand Russell's acid 1964 assessment of what he viewed as a nascent coverup. With much discussion of alleged manipulation of forensic and photographic evidence, the book's overall focus is primarily technical, on what the contributors see as the wealth of evidence of a multiple-shooter assassination, with likely complicity of the Secret Service and other government agencies. This coolly angry dismantling of the theories of the Warren commission and lone-gunman supporters like Gerald Posner will be fodder for conspiracy theorists.

Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From the Back Cover

A rich and fresh collection of fascinating and darkly compelling revelations, demonstrating beyond any doubt the existence of conspiracy and cover-up behind the JFK assassination.

--Michael Parenti, author of History as Mystery

No jury would have convicted Lee Harvey Oswald in the face of the arguments set forth in this excellent volume. Murder in Dealey Plaza masterfully exposes the fallacies of the Warren Commission Report through objective, incontrovertible, medical, scientific, and investigative analyses of both old and new evidence. The conclusions are as solid as the credentials and research experience of the contributing authors. It is time that the truth in the JFK assassination be revealed and that Unites States history be rewritten.

--Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D.; Past President, American Academy of Forensic Sciences

Murder in Dealey Plaza is a deeply disturbing book which documents the deceit and deception that marked the government's handling of the evidence in the Kennedy assassination. The authors, all highly skilled professionals, describe the cover-up, from the falsification of the autopsy results to the alteration of the Zapruder film. Anyone who reads this work will be appalled by the systematic distortion of the truth-that JFK died as the result of a conspiracy-by certain officials of the U.S. government.

--Michael L. Kurtz, author of Crime of the Century

Fetzer and his team of experts uncover so many smoking guns that it's impossible not to spot the fire that the Warren Commission and Gerald Posner have tried hard to deny. A thought-provoking and disturbingly compelling sequel to Assassination Science.

--Kerry Walters, Gettysburg College

Fetzer has assembled tense, suspenseful essays on our government's perfidious efforts to conceal a conspiracy behind the assassination of President Kennedy. Two brains examined, photographs missing, X-rays altered, notes and reports burned, drawings fabricated. The account of JFK's autopsy is more shocking than the story of Jekyll and Hyde.

--Stewart Galanor, author of Cover-Up

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