Author Louis Ferrante imitates Vince Palamara on Piers Morgan Show 2/18/25
BORGOTA: CLASH OF TITANS- A History of the American Mafia by
Louis Ferrante (2025)
Bibliography- 6 books reference my work:
Murder in Dealey Plaza by Prof. James Fetzer (Catfeet
Press, 2000)- I have two whole chapters.
Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi (W.W. Norton &
Co., 2007)- I am on 15 pages including the bibliography.
The Kennedy Detail by Gerald Blaine with Lisa McCubbin
(Gallery Books, 2010)- I am referenced on 2 pages.
The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ by Roger
Stone (Skyhorse, 2013)- I am mentioned in the paperback edition.
Brothers by David Talbot (Free Press, 2008)- I am on a
couple pages.
David Ferrie by Judyth Baker
(Trine Day, 2014)- I am on at least one page.
Secret Service SAIC Gerald Behn:
Page 200- Behn to Sorrels: “It’s a plot.” “Of
course.” I also referenced this in my work; both got it from Manchester.
Pages 327-329 (references Curry’s book, Lawson’s WC
testimony, Blaine)- Winston Lawson- top off limo. Hill and Ready told not to
ride on rear of limo. Planned number of vehicles and their relative order. Felt
that 8 motorcycles around limo was too much---2 on either side even with rear
fender of limo. Other motorcycles pushed rearward. Press vehicle/photographers
bumped to rear of motorcade.
Dallas police told to stand with backs to crowd. (Curry) Supervision
ended one block short of Elm Street. Security comparatively light on Elm- freak
of history.
Motorcade 90-degree turn onto Elm Street last minute change
that slowed the limo to a crawl. Short stretch of Elm Street and the Book
Depository were virtually ignored.
Evelyn Lincoln, 1968 book- our own advance man urged that
the motorcade not take the route that it did but was overruled. Lawson during
WC testimony- motorcade thru plaza “wanted back in Washington, D.C.”
(Blaine book) Behn- first vacation, yet decided to work at
his office in D.C. Agent Ron Pontius could not believe that his fellow agents
were prohibited from riding on the rear of the limo. Called Behn who confirmed.
Agent Bert de Freese, who overheard conversation, said: “I thought Behn was on
vacation.” Former Chief Baughman called Behn’s actions into question. Behn
became LBJ’s SAIC.
Secret Service stole body away. Limo taken away by agents
and cleaned and refurbished.
Also- page 186: Senator Ralph Yarborough’s comments about
agents slow reaction noted.
Page 182- drinking incident noted. Fort Worth Press Club,
Cellar. Pat Kirkwood/ Ruby.
Pages 173-174: Chicago plot.
Pages 175-177: Fulbright; Milteer; Cabells; Sorrels;
11/20/63 knoll fence rifles incident.
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