Tuesday, May 18, 2021

I am mentioned in "the number one best-selling book on planet Earth at the moment"!

 The plot thickens---#158 book I am in (that I know of)...and it is a doozy! OMG! I am in "the number one best-selling book on planet Earth at the moment", according to CNN (and as echoed by other networks)!! The three-time Pulitzer Prize winning author (who is getting massive publicity, as she did for her #1 book on Trump) appeared, at first glance, to have ignored my work. She thanks Clint Hill, Gerald Blaine, Tim McIntire, Larry Newman, Win Lawson and several other non-JFK era agents. After a quick perusal, it looked like nada for me...then I get to page 504..., referencing my last (fourth) book! Not happy about the blaming-JFK part (no doubt influenced by her personal interviews with Blaine et al), but I cannot lie (and sorry if this seems hypocritical or contradictory): this is kinda cool (!)

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