Tuesday, May 18, 2021

I am mentioned in "the number one best-selling book on planet Earth at the moment"!

 The plot thickens---#158 book I am in (that I know of)...and it is a doozy! OMG! I am in "the number one best-selling book on planet Earth at the moment", according to CNN (and as echoed by other networks)!! The three-time Pulitzer Prize winning author (who is getting massive publicity, as she did for her #1 book on Trump) appeared, at first glance, to have ignored my work. She thanks Clint Hill, Gerald Blaine, Tim McIntire, Larry Newman, Win Lawson and several other non-JFK era agents. After a quick perusal, it looked like nada for me...then I get to page 504..., referencing my last (fourth) book! Not happy about the blaming-JFK part (no doubt influenced by her personal interviews with Blaine et al), but I cannot lie (and sorry if this seems hypocritical or contradictory): this is kinda cool (!)

Monday, May 17, 2021

ZERO FAIL IS AN EPIC FAIL (long version) JFK did NOT order the agents off his limo! THE AGENTS SPEAK

ZERO FAIL IS AN EPIC FAIL (long version) JFK did NOT order the agents off his limo! THE AGENTS SPEAK: Secret Service agents Sam Kinney, Floyd Boring, Gerald Behn and others debunk the claim in ZERO FAIL that President Kennedy ordered the agents away from the limo
