Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dallas Secret Service agent William Patterson

SA William H. Patterson, was with the Dallas Office of the Secret Service, and was assigned to help with security in Fort Worth on the morning of 11/22/63 at the Hotel Texas where JFK was staying and gave his breakfast speech and speeches outside to the crowd. After the Breakfast, he drove LBJ's car in the FTW motorcade to Carswell AFB where Air Force -1 was to depart for Love Field in Dallas. According to his 11/22 his after-action report he then drove secret service car 720-S to Love Field arriving at 12:20pm after JFK's Dallas motorcade had departed. And while not having a specific assignment in Dallas, he then assisted SAs Roger C. Warner and Donald J.Lawton (of the White House Detail), along with local police, in securing the general area around Air Force I & II. Upon learning via radio reports of the assassination and death of JFK he again assisted them in securing the general area around AF-I & II and the surrounding buildings. When JFK's casket and VP Johnson & Lady Bird arrived, he assisted in the security around AF-I, staying in close proximity to it until it departed and then returned to the Dallas Office. Additionally, on Sunday 11/24/63 when Oswald was shot, he and SA Roger C. Warner sped to Parkland Hospital, arriving just as Oswald's ambulance arrived. He and Warner then accompanied his stretcher inside the ER and then up to the Surgery suite.

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