Thursday, November 26, 2015


ESSENTIAL MEDICAL EVIDENCE RELATED WORKS (in no particular order; please note the exact edition/ version noted):
1) John F. Kennedy's Head Wounds: A Final Synthesis - and a New Analysis of the Harper Fragment Kindle Edition by Dr. David Mantik (2015) Kindle only;
2) In The Eye of History by William Matson Law (2015 expanded and updated edition with DVD [original edition: 2005]);
3) JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda by Vince Palamara (2015)- compendium on the medical evidence;
4)... Inside The ARRB by Douglas Horne (2009)- all 5 volumes;
5) Frozen In Time: The Assassination of JFK: Critical Insights and Analysis by Mark Goode (2015)- excellent synthesis and overview;
6) The JFK Assassination Revisited: A Synthesis by James Rinnovatore (2014)- Excellent "cliff notes" on the state of the JFK case a la Lifton and Horne
7) High Treason 2 by Harrison Livingstone (1992);
8) Trauma Room One by Charles Crenshaw (2001)- the best of the 3 versions of Crenshaw’s book JFK: Conspiracy of Silence (1992), also released as JFK Has Been Shot (2013), for its unique essays at the end by Dr. Aguilar and others;
9) Murder In Dealey Plaza by Prof. James Fetzer (2000)- excellent chapters by Mantik, Aguilar, and Weldon;
10) Best Evidence by David Lifton (1981; the 1988 Carroll and Graf edition includes the autopsy photos and is, in my opinion, the best edition/ version);
11) Bloody Treason by Noel Twyman (1997);
12) Either The Killing of a President (1993) or especially JFK: Absolute Proof (2013) by Robert Groden;
13) JFK: The Case For Conspiracy DVD by Robert Groden- essential
14) High Treason by Harrison Livingstone and Robert Groden (the 1998 edition);
15) Post Mortem by Harold Weisberg (1975)

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