Friday, July 31, 2015

The TRULY TASTELESS Kennedy Detail autographs for big $$$

(By request...and because I know "OJ" Badalson is reading this)

My hundreds of readers are disgusted by this- these comments sum up their feelings for these agents who are profiting handsomely from the death of JFK:

“What an embarrassment! That would be like Bill Buckner signing a picture of the ball going through his legs give me a break!”

“These guys are always whining about “oh we’re traumatized we have nightmares” blah blah blah I know let’s sign pictures of that day what a joke.”

"i guess I should remember if they were irresponsible enough to allow his murder why would they show any respect for him afterwards...despicable endorsement"

"Hard to believe that anyone would autograph a picture that depicts them failing to do their job, resulting in the murder of the very person they were assigned to protect!"

THE know the rest.

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