Friday, July 3, 2015

Behind the Shades: A Female Secret Service Agent's True Story by Sue Ann Baker

The first women special agents, transferred from Nixon's old Executive Protection Service (later known as the Uniformed Division) of the Secret Service were hired 12/15/71: University of Wisconsin and Milwaukee native Holly Hufschmidt [a nurse in Vietnam, later infiltrated John Kerry's group VVAW]], Beloit College graduate Laurie Anderson from Jersey City, NJ, University of Maryland graduate Phyllis Schantz of Rome, NY [the very first woman Secret Service officer, sworn in 9/15/70], Salt Lake City Utah's Kathryn Clark (originally from Colorado), and present author and Ohio University graduate Sue Baker of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, who spent two weeks at a Summer camp in 1971 with JFK's daughter Caroline. Former Kennedy Detail agent Jack Warner told the press on 11/25/71 that the women were "very talented and kinda cute". Former agent Joe Petro has a photo of Hufschmidt in his fine book, the 1990 AFAUSSS book talks briefly about the five women pioneers, the excellent book about agent Charlie Gittens ("Out From The Shadow") has a fair amount of useful background on these trail blazers and even my own book duly mentions their achievement in a footnote, but I digress.

"Behind The Shades" is an excellently written book that is fascinating and informative. No Secret Service historian or history buff should miss this fine volume. 5 stars!

Vince Palamara
Author of Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy

The first women special agents of the Secret Service were hired 12/15/71: (left to right) Holly Hufschmidt [a nurse in Vietnam, later infiltrated John Kerry's group VVAW]], Laurie Anderson, Phyllis Schantz [first woman Secret Service officer, sworn in 9/15/70],(Director Rowley), Sue Baker [author of a new book now], and Kathryn Clark

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