Thursday, June 4, 2015

HARRY LIVINGSTONE RIP- more information on his last years/days and passing

HARRY LIVINGSTONE RIP- more information on his last years/days and passing
Pamela Brown wrote on Facebook-
Today I got an email from Bob Oliver, a radio talk show host I did an interview with in 2010
I learned yesterday that Harry died sometime in February here in Monterey. He had a large group of followers and did a tremendous good for all of us. I hope you can spread the news wide. I have notified the media locally and was told that the news was not known by the media sources yet.
I thought you might reach Judith for me. I did meet her briefly in San Francisco several years ago at a conference she spoke at.
In January of 2014 I helped Harry move. He was ill then and he was difficult. By June he was placed in a facility. He died in February. I'm helping to locate people that need to know, and get some recognition for his works. From our conversations, I know how instrumental he was in yours and my lives. You may want to write again.
Harrison Edward Livingstone, local Monterey author passed away in a convalescent home in February this year. He was under conservatorship monitored by Carl Powers Monterey County Public Guardian Office. Harry was in contact with Mary Duan prior to his medical disability.
There was no mention in either the Herald or Coast Weekly. So far I find no mention on the internet. I only learned of his passing today from Carl Powers.
Harry wrote many historical accounts in his Kennedy Assassination books and over the past ten years was concentrating on what he felt were his more creative years of writing. Some of his writing is about local accounts here and in Big Sur. Harry was a best selling and notable author for his book High Treason and series of Kennedy assassination books with leading investigative finding including the Zapruder film hoax and alterations of the Kennedy autopsy photos. He would however, have like to have been remembered for his more recent books and his love of writing. Those who knew him can easily remember him saying as he would finish one of his books "That book almost killed me".

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