Tuesday, November 25, 2014



Editorial Reviews


"Wonderful and informative book"- JFK era Secret Service Agent Frank Stoner

"I continue to be impressed with your research"- JFK era Secret Service Agent Lynn Meredith

"A great book"- JFK era Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden

"Vince Palamara is a Secret Service expert"- The History Channel, November 2003

"You are, unquestionably, the main authority on the Secret Service with regard to the assassination"- author Vincent Bugliosi

"I am impressed with your research, accuracy, and willingness to 'tell it like it is'"-
Secret Service Agent Robert DeProspero, former head of President Reagan's Detail

"You've done a very valuable service. Your work is most interesting and even chilling"-
Best-selling author and Kennedy cousin John Davis

"Most accurate, detailed and Factual Report on the John F. Kennedy assassination ever"- Secret Service Agent John Carman

"Based on research that includes interviews with former agents, the author raises plenty of questions and exposes many problems involving the Secret Service's conduct and protection of Kennedy on that fateful day."- The Post & Courier

"As agent John Norris explained in an interview for Vincent Michael Palamara's book Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy: "Except for George Hickey and Clint Hill, [many of the others] just basically sat there while the president was gunned down in front of them."- Vanity Fair

From the Author

"Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy" took over 20 years of my life to research and write. I knew I had to reverse the false verdict of history imposed on the late President Kennedy by some of his former agents, all in an attempt to blame the victim (JFK) for his own murder, that he ordered them off his limousine and other such falsehoods. When the number one and number two agents under Kennedy, Gerald Behn and Floyd Boring, respectively, categorically denied that Kennedy ever ordered them to do anything, along with the corroborating statements of top aides Dave Powers, Pierre Salinger, and many other former agents and White House aides, I knew the TRUE story of the JFK Detail had to be told."

From the Inside Flap

President Kennedy's best friend and top White House aide Dave Powers, who rode in the fateful Dallas motorcade and many others, agreed with my take on the Secret Service, as confirmed by a member of the federal board the Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB). For his part, Powers himself wrote to me and stated that the agents "never had to be told to 'get off' the limousine", a statement fully endorsed by both a former agent and a fellow researcher that also spoke to Mr. Powers. JFK did not "ban the agents from his car"!

From the Back Cover

"Vince Palamara, a recognized authority on the history of the Secret Service, recounts in methodical detail how certain standard protective measures were not implemented on that tragic day, leaving John Kennedy a virtual 'sitting duck' as he rode into Dealey Plaza and explodes the long-standing myth (swallowed without question by the Warren Commission) that Kennedy was difficult to protect, ordering agents not to ride the back of the limousine, making him somehow complicit in his own murder. Painstakingly researched and based on first-hand accounts from more than 70 former agents, White House aides, and family members, SURVIVOR'S GUILT is the definitive account of what went wrong with President Kennedy's security in Dallas on November 22, 1963."

About the Author

Vincent Michael Palamara is the leading expert on the Secret Service during the Kennedy years, interviewing more former agents from the Kennedy era (and other eras, as well) than all the government investigations combined. He has appeared on The History Channel, C-SPAN, National Geographic Channel, in numerous newspapers and journals (including Vanity Fair), on many radio and internet programs, and in well over one hundred other author's books related to the Secret Service, JFK, history, politics, and other major events. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his wife Amanda.

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