Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Praise from author Lance Moore

“My first reading of Vince Palamara’s JFK book, SURVIVOR’S GUILT, was quick, more for pleasure.  Now I’m in my second reading—more slow and studied—and I’d like to add: Palamara’s only fault (from a pro-conspiracy viewpoint) is that he is too understated!  He could be shouting from rooftops: “Here’s the proof of a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy!!” You cannot read his mountain of interviews and other documented facts and walk away believing the government was telling us the truth. Contradictions, outright lies, a hundred things he documents…  much of it uniquely his own research, yet consistent with and confirming/ complementary to what many of us have asserted with other evidence: JFK was killed by our own government AND they continue to lie to cover it up. Two Vinces: Vince Bugliosi, all hype, bluster and fallacious assumptions; Vince Palamara, all Dragnet: “Just the facts, ma’am.”  I’ll take Mr. Palamara!
~Dr. Lance Moore, author of “Killing JFK: 50 Years, 50 Lies”

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