Monday, January 27, 2014

Vince Palamara on radio 1/24/14

Vince Palamara on radio 1/24/14

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (01-24-2014) JFK: A Review of The Secret Service Stand Down
(FEDERALJACK)   On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcome back author, and JFK assassination expert Vince Palamara. They discuss, in detail, the Secret Service stand down leading up to, and during the assassination of the 35th president of the United States of America. As well as the evidence that was covered up, even continuing up to this very day. They also get into the recent 50th anniversary of the “Big Event,” and all of the propaganda that was being served up in the lead up to it. Vince just released a book that goes into detail about the Secret Service stand down titled SURVIVOR’S GUILT, THE SECRET SERVICE AND THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY. Make sure to purchase a copy for your personal research library.

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