Saturday, November 23, 2013

BEST review I have seen for Hill's new book:

BEST review I have seen for Hill's new book:

3.0 out of 5 stars It's ok but enough already, November 23, 2013
 By toddprovost"the one" - See all my reviews
 This review is from: Five Days in November (Hardcover)
 Other than one nothing-special photo by Miss McCubbin of Arlington Cemetery, all the photos (most of which I have seen before) are from other photographers, while the text is basically "Mrs. Kennedy and Me" lite. Yeah, we get it: you're all heart broken...all the way to the bank. Well, my heart weeps for JFK--he's dead. Also, what is up with all the signed assassination photos from you and your colleagues on a certain popular selling site? Not cool.


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