NORMAN KATZ: "I was there, at the White House, assigned (as a military attaché) to the Secret Service, when that horrible dispatch came in advising us of the President’s shooting and death."
Eyewitness Turns Back Clock a Half Century to JFK's Assassination
Foundation for Belmont Education-sponsored event brings history to students with a visit from Secret Service agent Norman Katz.
By Lisa Gibalerio
Thanks to grant funding provided by the as, tenth graders at the Belmont High School were given the opportunity to hear from Norman Katz, one of the Secret Service agents on duty in Dallas when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
“Assassinations have happened before,” he told the audience of sophomores, “and they will happen again.”
Katz outlined how far security measures have come in the 50 years since Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas.
“In the early 1960s, we weren’t even thinking about assassination; we were just there to offer general protection.”
He added that 50 years ago, there were 312 Secret Service agents employed by the US Government; there are more than 7,000 today. President Obama, he stated, receives more than 400 death threats a year and wears a bullet-proof suit and underwear.
Technology back then, he said, consisted of hand signals and walkie-talkies – when they worked, he added.
The students seemed especially rapt when he described the moments that JFK was shot and killed. The limousine, he said, should have sped off when the first shot was fired, but the driver slowed down thinking the limo had backfired. The second shot hit Kennedy in the neck.
“He would have survived that neck shot,” Katz said, “it was the third shot that shattered his brain.”
The students saw photos of that were taken during the shootings as well as photos of JFK’s autopsy.
For a group of students born 35 years after these events occurred, they certainly left this presentation with a clear idea of what happened on that fateful November day in Dallas in 1963. And from the perspective of a man who was standing just a few feet away when it happened.
The White House
During the Kennedy &
Johnson Years
Former Secret Service officer Norman Katz
spoke to a jam packed meeting this morning
detailing his first hand accounts and
experiences of being in Dallas during the
Kennedy assassination, working with
President Johnson and being present in the
White House during the days of the Cuban
Missile Crisis.
Norman was in Dallas in the Presidential
Secret Service detail on the day of the
assassination. He was not part of the caravan
detail, but was at the Dallas headquarters in
the backup detail. Norman shared with
attendees his and his colleague’s views of the
c o n s p i r a c y t h e o r i e s o n Ke n n e d y ’ s
assassination. He is a firm believer that Lee
Oswald was the only shooter and fired all the
shots from the Book Depository. He offered his
reasons and shared with all his private photos
which revealed details that have not been
shown on newspapers or TV. He commended
President Johnson for the consideration he
showed to Mrs. Kennedy at that time, by
insisting that his plane’s departure be delayed
until she and the President’s body were on Air
Force One.
He described the tension that existed in the
White House during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
He described the behavior and actions of
several of the leaders of the day including
Bobby Kennedy, General Curtis LeMay and
Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. The
world came very close to nuclear war that day
and the issue was in doubt until Nikita
Khrushchev ordered the ship carrying the
missiles to Cuba to turn around. Norman was
in the midst of all the action during those 13
days. The US was ready to bomb the Cuban
missiles and anticipated a retaliatory strike
from Russia. In fact, during the crisis Norman
called his mother to tell her to fill the bathtub
with water in anticipation of the destruction of
vital services in New York.
One of the most interesting insights he shared
with his audience was the behavior of the
presidents and how they treated others. The
worst was President Johnson. He detailed
how Presidents Kennedy and Johnson
chased women. Marilyn Monroe was a
regular at the Kennedy White House while
LBJ chased women everywhere. He would
have the women that were on Air Force One.
He was not secretive at all, in fact, he was
quite open about his actions. Norman
detailed that on several occasions President
Johnson would walk down the aisle of Air
Force One completely naked. He also
observed President Carter, who publicly
professed that he wasn’t a drinker, having his
morning double bourbon before the day
Norman answered several questions from
members of the audience, many on the
assassination of President Kennedy. Thank
you, Norman, for sharing your observations
and comments about these very historical
NORMAN KATZ: "I was there, at the White House, assigned (as a military attaché) to the Secret Service, when that horrible dispatch came in advising us of the President’s shooting and death."
Norman Katz contacted me out of the blue via e-mail and wrote "I can assure you I am who I say I am" and promised more information...then promptly disappeared
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