Thursday, May 30, 2013

News article dated 11/15/63, 7 days BEFORE the assassination- the circled section, all by itself, debunks Blaine's book...and it was written BEFORE the assassination: "THE SERVICE CAN OVERRULE EVEN THE PRESIDENT WHERE HIS PERSONAL SECURITY IS INVOLVED"

News article dated 11/15/63, 7 days BEFORE the assassination- the circled section, all by itself, debunks Blaine's book...and it was written BEFORE the assassination: "THE SERVICE CAN OVERRULE EVEN THE PRESIDENT WHERE HIS PERSONAL SECURITY IS INVOLVED"
[ MUCH more about this in my forthcoming book]. As for the matter at hand, Clint Hill cleared this up in his 2012 book: On pages 55-56..., Hill talks about the benefits of Jackie Kennedy keeping a low profile during her trip to New York as beneficial to security: “The fewer people who know your intended destination or route, the better. A police escort would have just drawn attention to us, so we kept the motorcade to as few vehicles as possible.” Indeed, on yet another trip to New York in early 1963, this one involving both Jackie and JFK, Hill records Jackie as stating: “We want to keep it private…No police escorts, no motorcades, no official functions. We just want to enjoy the city like we used to.” However, this very same situation for President Kennedy in New York, the very same city, in mid-November 1963 was viewed not as a virtue but as a detriment to his safety and welfare by several writers

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