Thursday, May 16, 2013

Harold Weisberg re: Roy Kellerman's daughter

Harold Weisberg re: Roy Kellerman's daughter

Harold Weisberg (to Bruce Milner, 9/29/86) [with typos; Weisberg wrote the same thing to myself in early 1992]:

"I made one of two appearances I made at the univereity of Maryland in

1966 and 1977. Aside from the story I'm about to toll, it may amuse you how I can have

a clear recollection of these among so many college appearances. Well, once it

coincided with a world series game and the other time it coincided with the first

fratornity sororiety confernee on sex. Stiff competition both times! But I had full

audience and I'm reasonably certain that the time I'm getting to the kide went out

to classes or for supper and then returned. It lasted quite some time. At the end there

were some student: who wanted books autographed, and a thhle had been set up for this

off to the right of that large meeting room. Theyi formed a line. I notice one rather

attractive woman students, slightly hailer than most, moving to the back of the line

ae others came up and was mustified. Until thore waa nobody else. I could then see

her clearly and I could see she'd been crying. She said she wanted to thank me for

the kind things I'd said about her father. I tried to make light of it and said she

had the advantage, she knew who her father is. She said it was (he died, too) Roy

Kellerman. I told her that I'd spoken only the truth, that those man were more

distress than most of us because they could not have done anything and because they

were closer to the .President. Before she left she added the hope that the time might

come when they could safely say in public what they were saying in the privacy of their

own home and circles."

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