Wednesday, April 3, 2013

THE best review (of my book) I have ever received...and the one I enjoyed the most:

THE best review (of my book) I have ever received...and the one I enjoyed the most:

"Tunisiatouriste" wrote-
"my one prevailing thought after reading an advanced "sneak preview" of this amazing book: Oh, my God...while we were wasting our times with the parlor game of "who killed Kennedy", the REAL question before us all this time was "why did the Secret Service let Kennedy get killed and blame him for his own death afterwards?" I am astonished. Can we send Gerald Blaine and his pals to Abu Ghraib prison- is it too late for some water boarding techniques? I threw my copy of Blaine's volume in the trash can where it belongs. i am truly ashamed I wasted money on that pack of lies that reads like Good Housekeeping. Bravo Mr Palamara for setting the record straight. Can the agents be tried as war criminals???"

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