Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Uniformed Division agent comes down on "The Kennedy Detail"+ an astute comment from an observer

A Uniformed Division agent comes down on "The Kennedy Detail"+ an astute comment from an observer

[the agent requested anonymity]
"One thing that gets me is the video tape of the lead car escort where one agent is throwing his hands up 2-3 times after being ordered off. It was NOT Kennedy. The follow up car with 5-7 other agents were there plus the "lead" agent. NO ONE else can take that responsibility. OR.....have someone show you/me the tape where JFK said or motioned anything. Since when do WE in the USSS take orders from the Protectee? Of course Blaines lying, he's trying to sell a book/movie deal like everybody and their brother."

[VIA Amazon]

sunnyreader2 says:

"There is nothing taken out of context [re: Palamara's forthcoming book]- it is a landslide. In addition, there is so much more to the book than just that one issue, albeit an important one. Actual primary sources were used (actual agents [many of whom passed away years before Blaine, who wasn't even in Dallas, or his co-author, Lisa McCubbin, born after the assassination, went to work in the Summer of 2005], White House aides, files from the National Archives, photos, films, etc)- no theories. There is also no 47-year-old reconstructed dialougue, as in Blaine's book (also known as faction---fact with fiction...or perhaps just fiction). Gerald Behn was in the agency 1939-1967 and was the SAIC during a large part of the JFK administration and part of the LBJ era, as well---I think he is alot more credible than a "buck private" who only served from 1959-1964 and uses reconstructed dialogue and third-person narrative, no source notes, no end notes, and no bibliography. I would put Blaine in the same category as a Dick Cheney (and his book): you decide if that is a compliment or not. Be patient and wait for "Survivor's Guilt" 9/1/13: it will shatter your illusions but, sometimes, that is a good thing. There is no sense carrying on here, ranting and raving. As this serves no purpose, I believe it is best to leave it at that until September. "

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