Author of 7 books: "Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy", "JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda", "The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR To the Kennedy Assassination to The Reagan Era", "Who's Who in The Secret Service", "Honest Answers About the Murder of President John F. Kennedy", "The Plot to Kill President Kennedy" and "President Kennedy Should Have Survived Dallas."
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
A Uniformed Division agent comes down on "The Kennedy Detail"+ an astute comment from an observer
A Uniformed Division agent comes down on "The Kennedy Detail"+ an astute comment from an observer
[the agent requested anonymity]
"One thing that gets me is the video tape of the lead car escort where one agent is throwing his hands up 2-3 times after being ordered off. It was NOT Kennedy. The follow up car with 5-7 other agents were there plus the "lead" agent. NO ONE else can take that responsibility. OR.....have someone show you/me the tape where JFK said or motioned anything. Since when do WE in the USSS take orders from the Protectee? Of course Blaines lying, he's trying to sell a book/movie deal like everybody and their brother."
[VIA Amazon]
sunnyreader2 says:
"There is nothing taken out of context [re: Palamara's forthcoming book]- it is a landslide. In addition, there is so much more to the book than just that one issue, albeit an important one. Actual primary sources were used (actual agents [many of whom passed away years before Blaine, who wasn't even in Dallas, or his co-author, Lisa McCubbin, born after the assassination, went to work in the Summer of 2005], White House aides, files from the National Archives, photos, films, etc)- no theories. There is also no 47-year-old reconstructed dialougue, as in Blaine's book (also known as faction---fact with fiction...or perhaps just fiction). Gerald Behn was in the agency 1939-1967 and was the SAIC during a large part of the JFK administration and part of the LBJ era, as well---I think he is alot more credible than a "buck private" who only served from 1959-1964 and uses reconstructed dialogue and third-person narrative, no source notes, no end notes, and no bibliography. I would put Blaine in the same category as a Dick Cheney (and his book): you decide if that is a compliment or not. Be patient and wait for "Survivor's Guilt" 9/1/13: it will shatter your illusions but, sometimes, that is a good thing. There is no sense carrying on here, ranting and raving. As this serves no purpose, I believe it is best to leave it at that until September. "
[the agent requested anonymity]
"One thing that gets me is the video tape of the lead car escort where one agent is throwing his hands up 2-3 times after being ordered off. It was NOT Kennedy. The follow up car with 5-7 other agents were there plus the "lead" agent. NO ONE else can take that responsibility. OR.....have someone show you/me the tape where JFK said or motioned anything. Since when do WE in the USSS take orders from the Protectee? Of course Blaines lying, he's trying to sell a book/movie deal like everybody and their brother."
[VIA Amazon]
sunnyreader2 says:
"There is nothing taken out of context [re: Palamara's forthcoming book]- it is a landslide. In addition, there is so much more to the book than just that one issue, albeit an important one. Actual primary sources were used (actual agents [many of whom passed away years before Blaine, who wasn't even in Dallas, or his co-author, Lisa McCubbin, born after the assassination, went to work in the Summer of 2005], White House aides, files from the National Archives, photos, films, etc)- no theories. There is also no 47-year-old reconstructed dialougue, as in Blaine's book (also known as faction---fact with fiction...or perhaps just fiction). Gerald Behn was in the agency 1939-1967 and was the SAIC during a large part of the JFK administration and part of the LBJ era, as well---I think he is alot more credible than a "buck private" who only served from 1959-1964 and uses reconstructed dialogue and third-person narrative, no source notes, no end notes, and no bibliography. I would put Blaine in the same category as a Dick Cheney (and his book): you decide if that is a compliment or not. Be patient and wait for "Survivor's Guilt" 9/1/13: it will shatter your illusions but, sometimes, that is a good thing. There is no sense carrying on here, ranting and raving. As this serves no purpose, I believe it is best to leave it at that until September. "
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Obama names Julie Pierson as first female Secret Service Director!
Obama names Julie Pierson as first female Secret Service Director!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Cartha D. DeLoach, No. 3 in the F.B.I., Is Dead at 92
Cartha D. DeLoach, No. 3 in the F.B.I., Is Dead at 92
George Tames/The New York Times
Cartha D. DeLoach spoke before the Senate panel on intelligence in December 1975.
Published: March 15, 2013
Cartha D. DeLoach, who as a top aide and confidant to J. Edgar Hoover was the F.B.I.’s liaison to the White House and a powerful intermediary between Hoover and President Lyndon B. Johnson during an especially tense political era, died on Wednesday on Hilton Head Island, S.C. He was 92.
George Tames/The New York Times
Cartha D. DeLoach spoke before the Senate panel on intelligence in December 1975.
Published: March 15, 2013
Cartha D. DeLoach, who as a top aide and confidant to J. Edgar Hoover was the F.B.I.’s liaison to the White House and a powerful intermediary between Hoover and President Lyndon B. Johnson during an especially tense political era, died on Wednesday on Hilton Head Island, S.C. He was 92.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Blaine's weekend-of-JFK's-funeral meeting to discuss JFK's alleged order to stay off the limousine DEBUNKED by an actual JFK era agent
Blaine's weekend-of-JFK's-funeral meeting to discuss JFK's alleged order to stay off the limousine DEBUNKED by an actual JFK era agent
(and, no, it is NOT Abraham Bolden)
Get the book when it comes out for much more.
(and, no, it is NOT Abraham Bolden)
Get the book when it comes out for much more.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Author James Douglass on JFK and the Unspeakable
Author James Douglass on JFK and the Unspeakable
by Adrian Mack on Mar 7, 2013 at 10:05 pm a couple highnlights (read the article!): "’s a best seller. But that’s not because any print reviews have saturated the field. They’ve been quite light, but there have been some key moments, like when Oliver Stone went on Bill Maher’s show and promoted it. And the fact that Simon & Shuster, to my great astonishment, took it on as a paperback, that gives it a huge distribution even though it’s unreviewed in major print media."
"...I don’t think it’s a question of somebody having to mastermind a plot; Fletcher Prouty describes the process wherein Allen Dulles is putting people in all these key positions year after year after year, whether it’s Secret Service or the White House—McGeorge Bundy for that matter is on record for having been working for the CIA when he was a dean at Harvard—so this isn’t very mysterious. When it comes time to stop all of this, they’re all working together. It’s a consensus decision. And for those at lower levels, it’s just overwhelming."
by Adrian Mack on Mar 7, 2013 at 10:05 pm a couple highnlights (read the article!): "’s a best seller. But that’s not because any print reviews have saturated the field. They’ve been quite light, but there have been some key moments, like when Oliver Stone went on Bill Maher’s show and promoted it. And the fact that Simon & Shuster, to my great astonishment, took it on as a paperback, that gives it a huge distribution even though it’s unreviewed in major print media."
"...I don’t think it’s a question of somebody having to mastermind a plot; Fletcher Prouty describes the process wherein Allen Dulles is putting people in all these key positions year after year after year, whether it’s Secret Service or the White House—McGeorge Bundy for that matter is on record for having been working for the CIA when he was a dean at Harvard—so this isn’t very mysterious. When it comes time to stop all of this, they’re all working together. It’s a consensus decision. And for those at lower levels, it’s just overwhelming."
My 3/7/13 Black Op radio appearance
My 3/7/13 Black Op radio appearance (and other great shows) can be heard here:
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Email to Obama's Secret Service choice part of racism lawsuit
Email to Obama's Secret Service choice part of racism lawsuit
By Tabassum Zakaria and Jeff Mason | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is moving ahead with its choice for a new Secret Service director - former assistant director David O'Connor - after reviewing documents in a lawsuit that charges top agency officials with condoning racial discrimination, according to two sources familiar with the process.
That lawsuit had been languishing in federal court until last week, when U.S. District Judge Richard Roberts certified the class of 120 agents who say they were denied promotion because of race, citing statistical evidence of discrimination. That move increases the chances that the case will go to trial and that O'Connor and other officials will be called to testify.
The White House decided to bring O'Connor out of retirement to lead the agency, where he rose through the ranks to assistant director for investigations under former director Mark Sullivan who retired last month.
O'Connor, who is white, worked at the agency for more than 25 years and retired last year.
O'Connor's name first surfaced in the discrimination lawsuit in 2008. The matter was reviewed internally at the Secret Service and no action was taken, one source said.
Records introduced in the lawsuit included racially charged emails found during a court-ordered search of thousands of agency paper records. O'Connor's response to one of the emails sent to him indicated that he intended to forward it to a fellow agent, but his attorney told the New York Times in 2008 that O'Connor never sent it.Attorneys for eight black agents who filed suit against the Secret Service for discriminatory promotion practices cited the email and a number of others passed among high-ranking officials as evidence of an office culture in which racial slurs and offensive comments were common.
In court papers, they cite "a longstanding culture of racism that has permeated - and continues to permeate - even the highest levels of the Secret Service ranks."
Jennifer Klar, an attorney for the agents, declined comment.The White House is expected to announce O'Connor's appointment in coming days. Sources familiar with the appointment said that notice of O'Connor's selection was sent to Secret Service offices this week.
O'Connor did not return a phone call on Wednesday. The Secret Service declined comment on ongoing litigation. Thomas Wright, who represented O'Connor when the email surfaced in 2008, also declined comment in an email.
The White House has declined to comment on a Reuters report that O'Connor would be named to the job and also declined this week to comment on its review of his record.
Complaints about racist comments and discriminatory practices among senior Secret Service officials have gotten wide attention since the lawsuit was originally filed in 2000.
O'Connor was a former assistant director of investigations at the Secret Service and once handled supervision of dignitary protection.
His appointment as director is not subject to Senate confirmation.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
EXCELLENT NYT op-ed by Dan Emmett
EXCELLENT NYT op-ed by Dan Emmett
A Real Threat Must Be Prosecuted
Dan Emmett, who was an agent in the Secret Service presidential protection division, is the author of "Within Arm's Length: The Extraordinary Life and Career of a Special Agent in the United States Secret Service."
Updated March 5, 2013, 9:14 PM
The charges in the cannibalism case in New York are largely based on e-mails that the defendant, Gilberto Valle, sent to others, rather than on the commission of overt acts. Likewise Daniel Brewington, an Indiana man who is serving a two-year sentence for statements he made on the Internet about a judge who presided over his divorce case.
While such communications can be vile and disturbing, are they criminal acts? This question has always loomed large for the United States Secret Service regarding verbal and written threats against the president. Who represents a threat, and who is merely venting frustration? What is free speech, and what is a crime? The answers lie somewhere in the balancing act of protecting free speech while also protecting the president. And law enforcers could ask many of the same questions about protecting average citizens
While violent communications can be disturbing, are they criminal? This question looms large for the Secret Service.
Each year, thousands of threats against the life of the president come to the attention of the United States Secret Service. These threats are obviously taken very seriously by the Secret Service, and each is investigated to the fullest. But not all individuals who make such threats are prosecuted.
The relevant law states in part: “Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to take the life of or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” While this sounds final and precise, Secret Service agents and prosecutors must make many judgment calls. Legally, enforcement hinges on three factors: First, that the person uttered or wrote words alleged to be a threat against the president. Second, that the person understood and meant the words as a true threat. And third, that the person uttered the words knowingly and willfully. It is not necessary under the law to prove that the person intended to carry out the threat.
A statute like this, which makes criminal a form of pure speech, must be interpreted with the First Amendment in mind. The Secret Service and the United States attorney’s office both want to protect the president, and neither wants to trample free speech. After all, most people who threaten the president are speaking out of emotion, and few have the ability, resources or opportunity to harm the president.
For example, if a man was drinking heavily in a bar thousands of miles from Washington, and stated that he was going to shoot the president if he ever got the chance, is this a threat worthy of prosecution? This often hinges on that second factor in the law: assessing the "true threat." If the investigating Secret Service agent found the person owned no vehicle, had no access to firearms and had never left the state he grew up in, the prosecutor is likely to decide against arresting and charging the man. The decision would be different if the individual were found to have access to weapons, was highly trained in their use, was discovered with a map of Washington with a circle around the White House, and possessed a plane ticket to Washington.
Officers of our criminal justice system are entrusted with enormous powers, including depriving a person of freedom based completely on the spoken or written word. The effectiveness and fairness of all laws that attempt to balance freedom of speech with public safety depends upon the sound judgment and discretion of the officers who enforce the laws.
A Real Threat Must Be Prosecuted
Dan Emmett, who was an agent in the Secret Service presidential protection division, is the author of "Within Arm's Length: The Extraordinary Life and Career of a Special Agent in the United States Secret Service."
Updated March 5, 2013, 9:14 PM
The charges in the cannibalism case in New York are largely based on e-mails that the defendant, Gilberto Valle, sent to others, rather than on the commission of overt acts. Likewise Daniel Brewington, an Indiana man who is serving a two-year sentence for statements he made on the Internet about a judge who presided over his divorce case.
While such communications can be vile and disturbing, are they criminal acts? This question has always loomed large for the United States Secret Service regarding verbal and written threats against the president. Who represents a threat, and who is merely venting frustration? What is free speech, and what is a crime? The answers lie somewhere in the balancing act of protecting free speech while also protecting the president. And law enforcers could ask many of the same questions about protecting average citizens
While violent communications can be disturbing, are they criminal? This question looms large for the Secret Service.
Each year, thousands of threats against the life of the president come to the attention of the United States Secret Service. These threats are obviously taken very seriously by the Secret Service, and each is investigated to the fullest. But not all individuals who make such threats are prosecuted.
The relevant law states in part: “Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to take the life of or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” While this sounds final and precise, Secret Service agents and prosecutors must make many judgment calls. Legally, enforcement hinges on three factors: First, that the person uttered or wrote words alleged to be a threat against the president. Second, that the person understood and meant the words as a true threat. And third, that the person uttered the words knowingly and willfully. It is not necessary under the law to prove that the person intended to carry out the threat.
A statute like this, which makes criminal a form of pure speech, must be interpreted with the First Amendment in mind. The Secret Service and the United States attorney’s office both want to protect the president, and neither wants to trample free speech. After all, most people who threaten the president are speaking out of emotion, and few have the ability, resources or opportunity to harm the president.
For example, if a man was drinking heavily in a bar thousands of miles from Washington, and stated that he was going to shoot the president if he ever got the chance, is this a threat worthy of prosecution? This often hinges on that second factor in the law: assessing the "true threat." If the investigating Secret Service agent found the person owned no vehicle, had no access to firearms and had never left the state he grew up in, the prosecutor is likely to decide against arresting and charging the man. The decision would be different if the individual were found to have access to weapons, was highly trained in their use, was discovered with a map of Washington with a circle around the White House, and possessed a plane ticket to Washington.
Officers of our criminal justice system are entrusted with enormous powers, including depriving a person of freedom based completely on the spoken or written word. The effectiveness and fairness of all laws that attempt to balance freedom of speech with public safety depends upon the sound judgment and discretion of the officers who enforce the laws.
Monday, March 4, 2013
"Blaine's attempt at revisionist history is pathetic, Vince!"
"Blaine's attempt at revisionist history is pathetic, Vince!"
A thoughtful reader sent me this (I receive positive messages daily from all over the world: no one is buying Blaine's version of events: my blogs and many writings have seen to that. My upcoming book will REALLY even the playing field):
""Blaine's attempt at revisionist history is pathetic, Vince! His blaming JFK for his own death is cowardly and vulgar. I cannot wait for your book to come out- every time someone does a search for his garbage book, YOUR book will come up (including searches for "Secret Service" and so on); I am lovin' it, man! Blaine has to be quaking in his boots---the party is over. I think he thought he "neutralized" you via his crap book and so forth...WRONG!! Every time I do an online search for "JFK", "Secret Service", or, especially, "the Kennedy Detail", YOUR INFORMATION COMES UP, VINCE! Now, with your book available--in kindle: yesss--- worldwide in bookstores and online at Amazon et al, he has to be really worried. I cannot stand him: his 'men' are the reason why President Kennedy died, NOT OSWALD *OR* EVEN ANY CONSPIRACY. The way they try to come across as heroes-for-profit sickens me so. And that Clint Hill- shut the ___ up already! Yeah, yeah, yeah- we get it: JFK died and you're a hero. Just collect your millions and go away. I heard he is coming out with ANOTHER book..oh, God.
Vince, YOU have won! Now, with your book coming out, Blaine and company are done. Can they be tried as war criminals or sent to jail at this late date for gross negligence? I would love to see their pensions stripped away and a worldwide inquisition of their misconduct and gross negligence demonstrated to the world. Wait: your online writings and book do that already! Sincerely, Randy Meiner [England]"
A thoughtful reader sent me this (I receive positive messages daily from all over the world: no one is buying Blaine's version of events: my blogs and many writings have seen to that. My upcoming book will REALLY even the playing field):
""Blaine's attempt at revisionist history is pathetic, Vince! His blaming JFK for his own death is cowardly and vulgar. I cannot wait for your book to come out- every time someone does a search for his garbage book, YOUR book will come up (including searches for "Secret Service" and so on); I am lovin' it, man! Blaine has to be quaking in his boots---the party is over. I think he thought he "neutralized" you via his crap book and so forth...WRONG!! Every time I do an online search for "JFK", "Secret Service", or, especially, "the Kennedy Detail", YOUR INFORMATION COMES UP, VINCE! Now, with your book available--in kindle: yesss--- worldwide in bookstores and online at Amazon et al, he has to be really worried. I cannot stand him: his 'men' are the reason why President Kennedy died, NOT OSWALD *OR* EVEN ANY CONSPIRACY. The way they try to come across as heroes-for-profit sickens me so. And that Clint Hill- shut the ___ up already! Yeah, yeah, yeah- we get it: JFK died and you're a hero. Just collect your millions and go away. I heard he is coming out with ANOTHER book..oh, God.
Vince, YOU have won! Now, with your book coming out, Blaine and company are done. Can they be tried as war criminals or sent to jail at this late date for gross negligence? I would love to see their pensions stripped away and a worldwide inquisition of their misconduct and gross negligence demonstrated to the world. Wait: your online writings and book do that already! Sincerely, Randy Meiner [England]"
A Hollywood producer attempts to defend Blaine
A Hollywood producer attempts to defend Blaine
WOW-straaange: the producer of the tv show ***"Diff'rent Strokes***" sent me a message, telling me he was a dear friend of Gerald Blaine ("The Kennedy Detail") and I should think "long and hard" about coming out with my book, as it will cause "untold pain" to "Jer" and his colleagues. Among many other things, I told him: "Tell Mr Blaine he should be scared and worried about my book- the truth hurts. Seeing 'Jer' is a movie buff, I will leave you with this quote from Rambo II, modified for ole 'Jer': "Jerry, I'm coming for you!""Here is more of what he wrote (just a sample): "I worked for three years on a TV show called "Diff'rent Strokes" and one of our actresses Dana Plato wound up dying very young from a drug overdose. There have been criticisms from people who weren't at all connected to the show that we could have and should have done more to help her. No one except those of us who were there know what was really going on and the last thing we need is people like that opening up those wounds again when they don't know what they're talking about. I look at what you're doing as very similar." Here are the guy's credentials:
Every researcher who saw this ridiculed this lame attempt to defend Blaine. As one stated:
"In the real world when we screw up and people die, it is investigated and we're held accountable. Except I guess when it might hurt someone's feelings, like Gerald Blaine or some lame ass producer turning a blind eye to his child stars drug use. Blaine and Hill have never shown any restraint when attacking Vince's honesty and character but they have thin skins about their own blunder."
WOW-straaange: the producer of the tv show ***"Diff'rent Strokes***" sent me a message, telling me he was a dear friend of Gerald Blaine ("The Kennedy Detail") and I should think "long and hard" about coming out with my book, as it will cause "untold pain" to "Jer" and his colleagues. Among many other things, I told him: "Tell Mr Blaine he should be scared and worried about my book- the truth hurts. Seeing 'Jer' is a movie buff, I will leave you with this quote from Rambo II, modified for ole 'Jer': "Jerry, I'm coming for you!""Here is more of what he wrote (just a sample): "I worked for three years on a TV show called "Diff'rent Strokes" and one of our actresses Dana Plato wound up dying very young from a drug overdose. There have been criticisms from people who weren't at all connected to the show that we could have and should have done more to help her. No one except those of us who were there know what was really going on and the last thing we need is people like that opening up those wounds again when they don't know what they're talking about. I look at what you're doing as very similar." Here are the guy's credentials:
Every researcher who saw this ridiculed this lame attempt to defend Blaine. As one stated:
"In the real world when we screw up and people die, it is investigated and we're held accountable. Except I guess when it might hurt someone's feelings, like Gerald Blaine or some lame ass producer turning a blind eye to his child stars drug use. Blaine and Hill have never shown any restraint when attacking Vince's honesty and character but they have thin skins about their own blunder."
Friday, March 1, 2013
Lawton AND Rybka walked the limo at Love Field
Further confirmation from an unlikely source: DVP
"To further illustrate the fact that there were most certainly at least two Secret Service agents walking along the right-hand side of the President's car and the SS follow-up car just as the motorcade began to roll at Love Field, as the Dillard photo seems to also indicate, here's a short film clip (which I've looped a few times in a row) taken from a position on the left-hand side of the cars as the motorcade began to move out. This clip was extracted from a 1963 WBAP-TV special called "President Kennedy In Texas".
The above motion picture clip and the two still images taken from that film clearly show two different Secret Service agents walking next to the cars, rather than just the one "shrugging" agent that can be seen just a few seconds later in the WFAA-TV videotape footage.
Therefore, one of those two agents must have peeled off and stopped walking beside the cars within just seconds of the above film being shot.
In the above film footage, there's an agent (not wearing sunglasses) right next to JFK's car door. That same agent can also be seen for several seconds in the other film clip I presented earlier. Unfortunately, the man who is probably the "shrugging" SS agent (Don Lawton, who is wearing sunglasses in the WFAA footage) is not visible in the last clip above, but an agent wearing sunglasses (probably Rybka), who appears to be older than "shrugging man", is clearly seen in that footage and in the still photo from that film shown above. And if it is indeed Rybka, he is located just exactly where he said he was positioned in his official report (quoted below):
"I [proceeded] to the follow-up car 679-X and stationed myself at the right front fender of 679-X and the rear of 100-X. There I stopped everyone from going in between the cars. Once the motorcade began to move, I moved along with it, until the motorcade picked up speed." -- Henry Rybka [Via CE2554]
David Von Pein
March 2012"
"To further illustrate the fact that there were most certainly at least two Secret Service agents walking along the right-hand side of the President's car and the SS follow-up car just as the motorcade began to roll at Love Field, as the Dillard photo seems to also indicate, here's a short film clip (which I've looped a few times in a row) taken from a position on the left-hand side of the cars as the motorcade began to move out. This clip was extracted from a 1963 WBAP-TV special called "President Kennedy In Texas".
The above motion picture clip and the two still images taken from that film clearly show two different Secret Service agents walking next to the cars, rather than just the one "shrugging" agent that can be seen just a few seconds later in the WFAA-TV videotape footage.
Therefore, one of those two agents must have peeled off and stopped walking beside the cars within just seconds of the above film being shot.
In the above film footage, there's an agent (not wearing sunglasses) right next to JFK's car door. That same agent can also be seen for several seconds in the other film clip I presented earlier. Unfortunately, the man who is probably the "shrugging" SS agent (Don Lawton, who is wearing sunglasses in the WFAA footage) is not visible in the last clip above, but an agent wearing sunglasses (probably Rybka), who appears to be older than "shrugging man", is clearly seen in that footage and in the still photo from that film shown above. And if it is indeed Rybka, he is located just exactly where he said he was positioned in his official report (quoted below):
"I [proceeded] to the follow-up car 679-X and stationed myself at the right front fender of 679-X and the rear of 100-X. There I stopped everyone from going in between the cars. Once the motorcade began to move, I moved along with it, until the motorcade picked up speed." -- Henry Rybka [Via CE2554]
David Von Pein
March 2012"
50th anniversary
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination this Fall of 2013, we have much to be hopeful for: not only is the internet booming with information, as well as public opinion polls overwhelmingly in favor of JFK as a very good to great president and the notion of there having been a conspiracy in his death, but there are four publishers who are successfully getting out pro-conspiracy titles to the masses: Trine Day (my book “Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect the President” is coming out via their fine company), Skyhorse Publishing (distributed by W.W. Norton and the publisher of best-selling books by Jesse Ventura, as well as several other prominent authors, in addition to reprinting several classic books), Counterpoint (Waldron’s three books) and JFK Lancer. That said, Pelican Publishing has Berry Ernest’s fine book, while Touchstone, a division of Simon and Schuster, has James Douglass’ classic work. Finally, with the recent advent of successful self-publishing avenues like Trafford and others, Doug Horne’s 5-volume masterpiece, as well as books by Harry Livingstone and others, have seen the light of day (the invention of kindle has also greatly helped spread the word, so to speak).
In addition, several books on JFK and/ or the assassination have been (huge) best-sellers very recently (despite misgivings many people have about the contents of some of these titles), including “The Kennedy Detail” (and accompanying Discovery Channel documentary with the same name), “Mrs. Kennedy and Me”, “Once Upon A Secret”, “Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero”, “Dead Wrong”, “Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations” and “Killing Kennedy.” If that were not enough, yet another book from Clint Hill, a dubious movie from Blaine and company, and the movie “Parkland” by Tom Hanks and a star-studded cast, among other items, await us this Fall.
In the category of recent Secret Service books, the aforementioned “The Kennedy Detail” and “Mrs. Kennedy and Me” (as well as the new Hill book and Blaine/ Hill movie) join Dan Emmett’s excellent “Within Arm’s Length”, the impressive “Echo From Dealey Plaza” by Abraham Bolden and the dubious “In The President’s Secret Service” by Ronald Kessler, not to mention "American Gunfight" (about the 11/1/50 Truman assassination attempt) by Stephen Hunter, with interviews with Floyd Boring, Vince Mroz, and others
(going back just to 2005, we have also seen Secret Service books from former agents Joe Petro, Bill Carter, Mike Endicott, Mike Maddaloni and John Barletta).
So, onward and upward, as we approach a momentous anniversary.
Vince Palamara
In addition, several books on JFK and/ or the assassination have been (huge) best-sellers very recently (despite misgivings many people have about the contents of some of these titles), including “The Kennedy Detail” (and accompanying Discovery Channel documentary with the same name), “Mrs. Kennedy and Me”, “Once Upon A Secret”, “Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero”, “Dead Wrong”, “Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations” and “Killing Kennedy.” If that were not enough, yet another book from Clint Hill, a dubious movie from Blaine and company, and the movie “Parkland” by Tom Hanks and a star-studded cast, among other items, await us this Fall.
In the category of recent Secret Service books, the aforementioned “The Kennedy Detail” and “Mrs. Kennedy and Me” (as well as the new Hill book and Blaine/ Hill movie) join Dan Emmett’s excellent “Within Arm’s Length”, the impressive “Echo From Dealey Plaza” by Abraham Bolden and the dubious “In The President’s Secret Service” by Ronald Kessler, not to mention "American Gunfight" (about the 11/1/50 Truman assassination attempt) by Stephen Hunter, with interviews with Floyd Boring, Vince Mroz, and others
(going back just to 2005, we have also seen Secret Service books from former agents Joe Petro, Bill Carter, Mike Endicott, Mike Maddaloni and John Barletta).
So, onward and upward, as we approach a momentous anniversary.
Vince Palamara