1.0 out of 5 stars Thank you, Abe, February 4, 2013
By melfarmer - See all my reviewsThis review is from: The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence (Paperback)
Thank you Secret Service Officer Abe.
I have been reading lots of stuff on the assissanation of our very finest President, Kennedy. I was not alive when he was murdered, but I have never believed that he was killed by Oswald....thank you for your review on this book, I will not waste my money on people trying to cover this up for one more minute...nor do I believe for one minute that President Kennedy told those men to step down in Dallas when he knew he was not popular here in Texas....I'm from Texas and I am ashamed that something like that happened here...but smart enough to know that people in high places that are from here (LBJ), they can get away with just about anything...thanks for all that you tried to do to save a President, and just know that even if they don't have to answer to us...one day they will have to answer for it to God..and it won't be well for their souls..for what does it profit a man to lose his life and his soul?
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