Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wow- not EVERYONE likes Clint Hill's book...

1.0 out of 5 stars A SAD WASTE OF TIME, November 28, 2012

By M. Tomory (illinois) - See all my reviews

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This review is from: Mrs. Kennedy and Me (Paperback)

This is a poor excuse for a book. Mr. Hill has unwittedly revealed the very selfish nature of rich people in the form of Mrs. Kennedy. He also has shown himself a poor example of a husband and a father. He writes he had nothing to live for after the assassination forgetting that he had two sons and a wife. How his wife put up with him not being home 95% of the time is a mystery. The book has a mind numbing redundancy to it as Hill recounts similar incidents over and over. A huge disappointment in reading this book.

Being an assassination buff I am curious why Hill took the assassination so personally. From all accounts Hill could not have prevented the killing...or could he have? His severe reaction indicates a guilty conscience.     Posted on Jun 4, 2012 7:19:46 PM PDT

C. Moen says:

I think the author is using this book as part of his therapy, his effort to sort through and deal with the guilt and burdens he has carried for so long.

I seem to remember from an interview I heard that he and his wife are divorced. I think part of the problem was that his wife was not comfortable with the relationship (however innocent it may have been) her husband had with Jackie.

4 of 11 people found the following review helpful

1.0 out of 5 stars Talk about sugar coating the past!, August 25, 2012

By nana (Manahawkin, Nj) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Mrs. Kennedy and Me (Kindle Edition)

I am having a hard time even getting through this one. It is like a schoolboy crush!

Its very hard to believe she said some of the things to him that are quoted in the book and he makes the Kennedys out to be the perfect family!

Also, I have never heard a man describe her outfits like this guy does..."Mrs Kennedy took off her coat to reveal a formfitting dress with cap sleeves..."

REALLY! How many secret service agents know what a cap sleeve is, or would describe a dress as 'formfitting'?!

I am sorry I got this book.   3 of 11 people found the following review helpful

1.0 out of 5 stars Fluff, September 7, 2012

By Readmorebooks - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Mrs. Kennedy and Me (Kindle Edition)

Clearly, Clint Hill fell in love with Jackie. Not an objective examination of his time protecting her. However, I feel that even writing the book is a breach of his former profession. Kind of takes the secret out of "Secret Service"   Hill contradicts his own Warren Commission testimony, May 5, 2012

By Steven Kossor - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Mrs. Kennedy and Me: An Intimate Memoir (Hardcover)

In his new book, Mrs. Kennedy and Me, Clint Hill describes his visit to the Bethesda morgue to view President Kennedy's body: "...Then gently rolling the president over to one side, he pointed out a wound in the upper back, at the neckline quite small."

In his testimony before the Warren Commission in 1964, Clint Hill testified as follows: Representative BOGGS. "Did you see any other wound other than the head wound?" Mr. HILL. "Yes, sir; I saw an opening in the back, about 6 inches below the neckline to the right-hand side of the spinal column."

Clint moved the entrance wound on the back UP six inches in his new book. That's where the Warren Commission wanted it to be, because if it really WAS six inches lower, the bullet couldn't possibly have exited from Kennedy's neck (that would make "the single bullet theory" even more preposterous).

Memories nearer to the event are always more accurate than memories 50 years later! Did Clint need to lie to get a chance to promote his book? Sure looks like it.  

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