Thursday, July 12, 2012


-Blaine says former Shift Leader Art Godfrey gave his blessings to his book [6th Floor Museum video]. Godfrey died in 2002, while Blaine, by his own admission in press interviews, did not begin writing his book until the Summer of 2005!;

-Blaine says he was never interviewed by any author of any book [C-SPAN], yet, William Manchester, in his massive best-selling book “The Death of a President”, references a 1965 interview with Blaine, even thanking Blaine AGAIN in his 1983 book “One Brief Shining Moment.” If that weren’t enough, I interviewed Blaine twice, not including e-mails, for my own book “Survivor’s Guilt”, while Blaine is mentioned in the updated version of Waldron & Hartmann’s “Ultimate Sacrifice”;

-Blaine later added that he was NOT interviewed by Manchester [joint 6th Floor Museum interview video with Clint Hill]---a fact disputed by Manchester’s own notes and book---and confirms (as I already knew) that Floyd Boring was not interviewed by Manchester;

-Blaine states in his book that Ike rode in a CLOSED car all the time, yet numerous photos and films demonstrate the opposite: Ike most often rode in an OPEN car [You Tube video compilation of 35+ photos];

-Blaine claims that the bubbletop was rarely used by JFK and, if it was, it was only used in bad weather conditions, yet this author has found quite a few photos and films showing the bubbletop in use in bright, no-rain conditions by a smiling JFK (who allegedly hated the top), including those depicting the PARTIAL top: just the front and rear pieces assembled with the MIDDLE part missing, thus allowing a semi “open” car and protection, as well [2 You Tube compilations+ numerous blog photos];

-In PERHAPS a misstatement, Blaine says on that same solo 6th Floor Museum video “We were violating our fellow agents who have passed on”…?!?!?!;

-On MSNBC, Chris Matthews asked Blaine if ANYTHING could have been done to prevent the assassination. Blaine’s response: “NO, nothing could have been done.” What? Incredible. On the same show, as he said elsewhere, Blaine DID say “We were 100 % failure.” Agreed.;

-Blaine was NOT in Dallas on 11/22/63 and both is co-author Lisa McCubbin and I were born after that date (I mention that only because he made an issue out of it on C-SPAN);

-On pages 359-360 of his book, Blaine takes me to task for my misidentification of the Love Field recall agent as being Henry Rybka, when , in actual fact, it was Don Lawton, a relatively minor error in the big scheme of things. That said, I have addressed this issue at length via two different You Tube videos, various blogs, etc. The bottom line: Rybka’s report and film depicted in the 2009 History Channel documentary “JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America conclusively confirm that Rybka DID indeed walk/ jog beside the limo, but that he was relieved by Lawton, who was the agent famously recalled by Roberts. Also, Lawton’s alleged 2010 statement that he was “going to lunch” and so forth is not credible…at all;

-During yet another 6th Floor Museum appearance (with Hill & Blaine, hosted by Gary Mack), co-author Lisa McCubbin mentions that, during the writing of the book, she would find things that contradicted what Blaine was telling her. Ultimately, she copped out, stating “he was there”…no, he wasn’t there on 11/22/63 in Dallas AND WHAT ABOUT ALL HIS COLLEAGUES WHO REFUTE HIM? Geez. McCubbin strikes me as a good investigative reporter. One wonders if her closeness to Blaine (she grew up with him and even dated his son!), along with the allure of big money, swayed her to “look away”, so to speak, at all the conflicting and contradictory evidence


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