Monday, July 23, 2012

Joseph Milteer: a very important cog in the wheel

Although Gerald Blaine seemingly dismisses the importance of the Joseph Milteer recorded threat information (and Vince Bugliosi likewise does a lawyerly "debunking" that is not persuasive), I think it is a very important cog in the wheel; a smoking gun, as are the reports of "agents" of unknown repute in Dealey Plaza, as well as the report of a French assassin (Souetre? Mertz?) in Fort Worth and Dallas on 11/22/63.

Great Milteer resources:

Don Adams new book "From An Office Building With A High Powered Rifle" (2012)+ ADAMS 2 DVD SET available thru his website [includes taped Milteer threat]:

"High Treason" by Harrison Livingstone (1989);

"Murder In Dealey Plaza" by Prof James Fetzer (2000);

my book :O)

"Treachery In Dallas" by Walt Brown (1995);

"Ultimate Sacrifice" by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann (2005);

"The Men Who Killed Kennedy" dvd;

"Crossfire" by Jim Marrs (1989);

"LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination" by Phil Nelson (2012);

"Legacy of Secrecy" by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann (2008);

"Watergate" by Lamar Waldron (2012);

"Bloody Treason" by Noel Twyman (1998);

"J. Edgar Hoover: The Father of the Cold War" by R. Andrew Kiel (2000);

"The JFK Assassination Debates" by Michael Kurtz (2008);

"The Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination" by Michael Benson (2002)

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