Monday, May 14, 2012

SA Radford "Rad" Jones

Local man to talk about time with Secret Service under JFK Hillsdale Daily News Posted May 11, 2012 @ 06:00 PM Waldron, Mich. — A 1958 Waldron High School graduate will return home Saturday to share with locals his experience as a member of the Secret Service during President John F. Kennedy's administration. Rad "Wedge" Jones joined the Secret Service in 1963 and, shortly after completing his training, was assigned to Kennedy's summer home in Hyannis Port, Maine. He was quickly assigned to the White House and made several trips with the President but had been assigned to John Jr.'s detail when the Dallas shooting occurred. Following President Kennedy's assassination, Jones served four months in New York with Mrs. Kennedy and the children. Jones continued to serve through six more presidents and was with President Reagan during his attempted assassination [VMP: HE WAS??? THAT IS NEWS TO ME]. He retired from the Secret Service in 1983. Last fall, Jones donated the book "The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break the Silence" by Gerald Blaine to the Waldron District Library. This Saturday, Jones will speak in Waldron about the book and his experience as well as share slides from the period. The program is sponsored by the library. Jones will speak at 11 a.m. in the fellowship hall of the Waldron Wesleyan Church, 200 E. Center Street in Waldron. A free lunch of lasagna and salad will be served after the presentation. The library is asking that anyone wishing to attend RSVP by calling 517-286-6511.

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