Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ALOT of media requests for interviews re: the Secret Service scandal

ALOT of media requests for interviews re: the Secret Service scandal Well, former agent (and author) Dan Emmett and I were invited to be on "Inside Edition" for 4/16/12 (but it fell thru); WOR Radio had me on 4/17/12 (The John Gambling Show reaches 2 million people in the Tri-State area; went great); and I blew off The Mitch Albom Show servicing Detroit, MI and surrounding areas. Not too shabby so far :) REGARDING SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL IN CARTAGENA, COLUMBIA APRIL 2012: -the story broke 4/14/12, the anniversary of the Lincoln assassination (4/14/1865); -JFK's Detail also went out drinking the night before the assassination (The Cellar and Fort Worth Press Club): NINE agents, including CLINT HILL, JOHN READY, PAUL LANDIS, AND GLEN BENNETT from the follow-up car, participated. Reportedly, Jack Ruby's girls were at The Cellar. Drinking and sleep deprivation---and cavorting with women---can wreak havoc on the best reflexes. There was a PRECEDENT for this- JFK's agents were involved in drinking, partying, and girls long before 11/22/63; -as another side note, when JFK visited Columbia in 1961, he had the bubbletop, agents on the back of the limo, good motorcycle formation, SAIC Behn on the trip, press in front of the limo, etc; -the current incident involved ELEVEN agents and ELEVEN prostitutes! As for the agents, among the Special Agents and Uniformed Officers were TWO SUPERVISORS and THREE members of the elite Counter Assault Team, or CAT. The presence of these supervisors signals that this behavior was both facilitated and condoned. Supposed "Wheels up, rings off" parties seem to be the norm; -this awful incident totally upstaged and overshadowed President Obama's "33 Naitons of the Americas" summit there. President Obama spoke about the allegations, stating that, if they are found to have merit, he will be angry, and that the Secret Service men need to be held to the highest moral and ethical standards, as they represent all of us here in America, especially overseas; -Ron Kessler states that this incident is "the biggest scandal in Secret Service history", with the Salahi's crashing the Obama state dinner second on the list, and that this further demonstrates a "culture of laxness in the Secret Service." I agree, except for one huge item: THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK UNDER THE DUBIOUS PROTECTION OF BLAIN'S COMRADES IS, BY FAR, THE BIGGEST "SCANDAL" EVER IN SECRET SERVICE HISTORY! If SAIC Jerry Behn would have been on that trip, the lax security and drinking the night before would not have occured. If only fine men like Robert DeProspero and Jerry Parr would have been around on that Texas trip, JFK would have lived; -the current compromised agents had the president's itinerary: every minute, every detail of his movements and whereabouts known. This would be quite valuable to terrorist groups, enemies, and assassins wishing the president harm---THIS IS WHY THIS CURRENT SCANDAL IS SO SERIOUS! Prostitution is legal in Columbia so, beyond moral issues and breaking their curfew, the current agents embroiled in this scandal could have endangered the life of the president. This is intolerable! Vince Palamara

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