Why now? Good grief; leave him to RIP. It's been nearly 49 years since JFK's death, but ne'er-do-well folks, such as this aide, refuse to let him lie in peace, or offer his remaining family any shred of dignity.
Money, the root of all evil, runs rampant once again! I, for one, will not buy her book, and refuse to allow this 'dead-in-the-water' story, cloud my mind. Our beloved Mr. Kennedy was human, and he suffered the same frailties as any person throughout history. While I don't condone extramarital affairs, this appears to have been a mutual consent tryst, so, to me, becomes a non-issue. It's also a non-story, and this senior citizen is merely trying to capture her youth. She's pathetic and a sore loser.
Well it`s one thing to have an affair - alot of people do that..... It`s quite another thing to be asked to blow his buddy while he watches and than asked again to do his brother....
She might have been 19 but she was a doing the w hore thing .....
So getting it off her chest now --- just makes them both look bad....
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