Sunday, February 26, 2012

JFK Agent Abraham Bolden LOVES Dan Emmett's new book!

5.0 out of 5 stars One of the best books on presidential protection, February 24, 2012
By Fmr. Agent Abraham Bolden - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Within Arm's Length: The Extraordinary Life and Career of a Special Agent in the United States Secret Service (Paperback)
As an ex-secret service agent and the first African American to be assigned to the Secret Service White House Detail during the presidency of John F. Kennedy, I found "Within Arm's Length" to be to be a very well written and informative book detailing the duties of a secret service agent. Without embellishing or attempting to paint a heroic picture of the awesome job of presidential protection, Agent Emmett skillfully gives the reader an inside view of what it means to be an agent of the elite group of agents surrounding the president.

I was deeply impressed by his descriptions of the responsibilities and duties of the advance detail agents who are responsible for setting up the protection of the president whenever the president travels. The marvel of this book is that it describes these procedures without sacrificing the security of the current operations.

This is a book well written. It is a "must read" for anyone anticipating a job in government security services or police administration

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