Monday, September 26, 2011

I was right: most of the 5-star reviews for Blaine's book ARE plants!

For what it's worth (not that there is anything wrong with this, per se, but it IS a matter of ethics):

Nathan Hale and countless other "reviewers" of Blaine's book are Facebook friends of his, as I just discovered. I wrote a detailed blog a few months back chronicling my suspicions, as many of the too-glowing "reviews" originated with people from Blaine's home state of Colorado, reviewed ONLY his book (no other products), and/ or were admitted friends and associates of either himself or his associates. Facebook provided the confirmation LOL :O)

Here's the latest fraud:

If you only read x1 book about JFK... Make it this one., September 25, 2011
By Rancho relaxo - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence (Hardcover)
Compelling and well written, this book makes the 'conspiracy theorists' look pitiful and deluded [dream on]. The fact that the 'conspiracy theory' JFK notion is so huge, seems in many peoples mind to imbue it with credibility [no, there are plenty of facts, NOT found in Blaine's book, that make people believe/ know there was a conspiracy]. Sorry, but fact's have credibility, emotional pandering to widesread paranoia does not [hahaha]. I wanted to know more about JFK and the assasination, and not have to put up with annoying theories that rely on the weakest evidence [hmmm---like the actual words from the AGENTS THEMSELVES via letters and calls from Vince Palamara that pre-date this book? Were they all lying to Vince?], I read this book and was glad I did [we're all happy for you...]. Furthermore, upon having read it I feel sure that JFK himself would rather the story be told by his most trusted aides [the same ones that let him get killed???]rather than some half baked 'author' trying to make a name for himself in history in rather the same way as Oswald himself was [this is a lame jab at me haha]. The fact Clint Hill, Mrs Kennedys trusted agent, put his name to this book speaks for itself [it only "speaks" to the fact that he's best friends with Blaine and he was angered by my 22-page letter that also angered Blaine].

Hey, Jer---lame lame lame :O) Oh, and prepare for legendary best-selling author Mark Lane's major book on the assassination "The Last Word": he uses MY materials and will further debunk your book. Better have all your troops ready...perhaps have your attorney write Lane a letter like you did to me: he's an attorney, too, and would appreciate a good laugh like I did, as well :O)

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