Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Gerald Blaine incorrectly stated "

From an online book preview:

Marilyn Monroe: A Case for Murder - Page 82 books.google.com
Jay Margolis - 2011 - 456 pages - Google eBook - Preview

Secret Service agent Gerald Blaine incorrectly stated Marilyn and the President were only in each other's company two times. The first time they met he claimed was at the Lawford beach house in 1961 and the second time was at the ...

From an online encyclopedia:
Secret Service conspiracy
The Secret Service agents present during the assassination, including SAIC Roy Kellerman, ATSAIC Emory P. Roberts, and SA William Robert Greer all failed to prevent the assassination of the president--and some researchers maintain that they didn't even try. Roberts, supervisor of the follow up car, recalled agents rushing to the stricken president's aid. Kellerman, Kennedy's assigned bodyguard and aware that the president was hit, remained calmly seated during the shooting. Greer, driver of the presidential limo, slowed or stopped the vehicle during the shooting and looked back at JFK twice, ignoring a direct order from Kellerman to "get out of line". Greer later denied these actions during his testimony. [87] The uncharacteristic actions and inactions of these three agents exposed Kennedy to a potential crossfire at the precise moment of the attack. Conspiracy theorists argue that this systemic failure indicates criminal negligence or direct involvement in the plot.

After the attack, Kellerman and Greer forcibly removed the president's body over the objection of officials at Parkland Hospital and maintained uninterrupted custody of the president's remains until the body was treated by a mortician, sealed in its burial casket, and placed under guard in the White House. Conspiracy theorists further argue that these actions constituted an illegal seizure of prima facie evidence and a coverup. Not a single Secret Service agent was called to account for the systemic failure on Elm Street, nor for the ensuing illegal seizure of evidence, which supporters of the theory say is indicative of a government coverup.[88]

In 1995, the Secret Service destroyed files pertaining to JFK's travels in the weeks preceding his murder, in direct contravention of the 1992 JFK Act, and while the AARB was drafting a request for them. [89]

1. ^ Report of The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy [3]
2. ^ Survivor's Guilt, Palamara [4]
3. ^ AARB Final Report [5]

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