Saturday, July 9, 2011

Vince Palamara's Amazon.Com review of Barry Ernest's "The Girl On The Stairs"

Barry Ernest has written a nice gem of a book with "The Girl On The Stairs." Clocking in at a little over 400 pages, the reader will enjoy the well-written, nicely structured feel of the book; very user-friendly, so to speak. Along with Doug Horne's 5-volume masterpiece and Jim Douglass' brilliant tome, Ernest's book is a very nice and essential addition to the JFK assassination library. Like those other seminal works, this is not the "same-ole-same-ole" or just theories---proof of conspiracy and cover-up in the JFK murder abounds. Along the way, we are treated to a nicely done telling of Ernest's journey towards truth and enlightenment. In addition, there are some other essential nuggets of information that add to the general notion of conspiracy, in general, as well as to the specific details of "The Girl On The Stairs", Victoria Adams, in particular (just how important her observations are come to light in this work, moreso than in any other previous work that either briefly mentions her in passing or, in many cases, not at all). Penn Jones was indeed correct when he stated that every serious researcher should "research the heck out a specific idea" (as, for example, I have done with the Secret Service). Barry Ernest has followed Jones' advice admirably (as well as that of his other, perhaps foremost, mentor in his quest for truth, Harold Weisberg).

To be honest, I purchased this book on a whim, unsure of what I was getting myself into. As a very jaded (at times) author and researcher, I feel I have "seen and heard it all before"...once again, as in the case of the aforementioned books by Horne and Douglass, I am glad to be proven wrong, especially at this late juncture. Buy this book asap!

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