Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bj Biringer's review of "The Kennedy Detail"

I do not know why these individuals have waited 48 years to talk about what happened that day. However, in a positive light it offers unique insight into what it was like to work with President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy on the Secret Service Detail. It is an oral testimony of history through the eyes of men that were that day and witnessed the assassination first hand. Interestingly, the book was written by one agent that was not in Dallas that day.
One of the problems I have with the book is that I get the sense that the authors are suggesting that President Kennedy invited himself to be assassinated. Much is made of an order that JFK gave during a motorcade in Tampa one week before the assassination in Dallas. It so happens that the advance agent that planned all the security detail for the Tampa visit was the author Gerry Blaine.
Secondly, I do not agree with teh treatment that former Special Agent Abraham Bolden is given in this book. The public should read Mr. Bolden´s story and hear what he has to say before rushing to judgement based on what is written in this book. I should note that Mr. Bolden was the first African-American Secret Service Agent ever chosen to protect the President, and he was chosen personally by President Kennedy.
Next, my biggest disagreement is that the authors discourage consipracy theories. I truly believe, as most of America does, that one man did not act alone on that day. To believe in the Warren Commission findings is a conspiracy of cover up over the eyes and minds of the American people. Although technology and research techniques have advanced, it does not mean that we cannot search for clues in helping understand what happened that day. It is quite the opposite, we are able to understand more.
Finally, just because a person is born after the assassination, does not mean they cannot have an opinion or not have the right to research it and try to help the community pursue the truth. I full heartedly disagree with the authors in their assumption that we young people have no constructive or well thought out opinion on this.

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