Sunday, May 15, 2011

Notes from Sixth Floor Museum Oral History interviews of Blaine and Hill

Blaine 11/19/10: Blaine DENIES that either himself or Floyd Boring were interviewed by William Manchester! Blaine WAS indeed interviewed for Manchester's book "The Death of a President", on May 12, 1965, as Manchester's raw notes confirm (as does the book's endnotes), while Blaine confirms that Boring wasn't interviewed for that book, leaving agent Emory Roberts as, ostensibly, the only very questionable "source" for the Tampa tale of JFK having the agents remove themselves from the limo, which is patently false to begin with, based on the written and taped statements of many former agents (including FLOYD BORING) and non-agents (such as Congressman Sam Gibbons, who rode IN the limo with JFK in Tampa). Either Blaine is fibbing about being interviewed or he is telling the truth...either way, something stinks.
Hill 11/19/10: Clint Hill tells the truth about JFK: he did NOT order the agents to do anything; they did what they wished to do, security-wise. "He can tell you what he wants done and he can tell you certain things but that doesn't mean you have to do it. What we used to do was always agree with the President and then we'd do what we felt was best anyway."; identifies President Obama's SAIC of PPD as Joe Clancy

Blaine 11/18/10: claims to have spoken to Art Godfrey, a Shift Leader on the Kennedy Detail, during the writing of his book, which began in June 2005. The problem? Art Godfrey DIED ON 5/12/2002 !!!!; "We were violating our fellow agents who have passed on"-?!?!?; "I have alot of opponents as far as the book goes"

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