Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An ignored member of The Kennedy Detail: Sam Kinney (deceased 7/21/97)

I had two phone visits in 1991 with Sam Kinney , Secret Service agent who drove the 'Work Car' about four feet behind the JFK limo on that fateful day in Dallas in 1963 as I lived in Greenacres, Florida about 10 minutes from Sam's home in Palm Springs, Florida. He emphatically told me that there were several shots and that the "Warren Commission" was "bull@!$%#". We discussed in length the many facts leading up to that horrible day. He mentioned about the lies with the 'pristine bullet theory' as well as the shot to President JFK's head was from the front of the JFK limo. He told me we were probably being phone tapped in our conversations by some government agency and I asked him why he didn't testify in the 'Warren Commission' investigations, his reply to me was "he wanted to live to his retirement years". He loved President JFK and told me a wonderful story about one Christmas when money was lacking to pay them in the Secret Service Presidential detail and JFK paid them from his own funds. The arguments I've read about and watched on television over the years are full of half-truths with rightout lies in this cover-up still to this day. The rogue elements in our CIA with their embedded Pentagon crew who disliked JFK for varying reasons were involved notwithstanding those unwarranted 'dangerous alliances' with the "Mafia". Sam, may you rest in peace, and my deepest thoughts to his wife, Hazel, if she still is alive. I spoke with him solely because of a common acquaintance in my employment and I promised him I was not going to publish any work as I was just an individual who sought answers. I now write this as it angers me to read the continued 'BS' with 'plausible denial' on many of the facts. Oswald was what he said all along, "I'm the patsy".


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