Why, whenever I occasionally receive a bad “review” (hey- it comes with the territory- every book, cd, etc. has negative/troll reviews), do they write these almost personal, angry, one-line bad grammar ‘things’? Come on now- you can do better than that...or can you? Is the game for some to try to hurt sales by these “reviews”? Funny enough, he gave the book 3 stars
I don’t know- I always sense anger with these troll “reviews."
Author of 7 books: "Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy", "JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda", "The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR To the Kennedy Assassination to The Reagan Era", "Who's Who in The Secret Service", "Honest Answers About the Murder of President John F. Kennedy", "The Plot to Kill President Kennedy" and "President Kennedy Should Have Survived Dallas."
Friday, April 30, 2021
Paul Madden (if that's his real name): just another sad troll
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Major Secret Service book coming 5/18/21 from renowned Pulitzer Prize winning author Carol Leonnig ZERO FAIL- I better be mentioned!
Major Secret Service book coming 5/18/21 from renowned Pulitzer Prize winning author Carol Leonnig ZERO FAIL- I better be mentioned!
She is starting with the failure of the Secret Service on 11/22/63. Well, I have three books written between 2013-2018 on this subject (Survivor's Guilt, The Not-So-Secret Service, and Who's Who in the Secret Service [not including two other books in 2015 and 2021]), not to mention three prominent television/DVD/Blu Ray appearances: The Men Who Killed Kennedy (2003, on You Tube ever since, and on Newsmax TV 2019-2020), A Coup in Camelot (2016 and available on Amazon Prime ever since), and the DVD about renowned agent Robert DeProspero called The Man Behind The Suit (Associate Producer; also on You Tube) [not including the credits to the DVD JFK: The Final Hours]. I am also on a 2021 Channel 5 UK documentary.
In addition, I am mentioned in books by former Secret Service agents Tom Sloan (Guardians of Democracy), Gary Byrne (Secrets of the Secret Service), Gerald Blaine (The Kennedy Detail and the documentary, albeit unnamed) and Dan Emmett (original edition of Within Arm's Length), not to mention Professor Philip Melanson's major book on the Secret Service called The Secret Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (2003; updated 2005). I am also mentioned in the Assassination Records Review Board's Final Report from 1998 (regarding my Secret Service interviews), not to mention renowned author Mark Lane's book Last Word (Secret Service chapters), as well as over 150 other author's books (including two whole chapters in Murder in Dealey Plaza, a mention in Larry Sabato's 2013 work The Kennedy Half-Century [regarding Blaine] and being mentioned on 16 pages of Jesse Ventura's 2013 book entitled They Killed Our President).
I also appeared alongside former agents Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill [via video] on C-SPAN in 2010 (also a DVD and on You Tube ever since) and Clint Hill himself further mentioned me in another C-SPAN appearance in 2012 (also a DVD and on You Tube ever since).
Last but certainly not least, I am mentioned a couple times in a prominent 10/17/2014 Vanity Fair article entitled Could The Secret Service Have Saved J.F.K.? which has been online ever since, as well as a directly related Irish Central article from 11/18/18 that has been online ever since. In fact, I am even in the bibliography of the book written by the author of the article, Susan Cheever, entitled Drinking in America-Our Secret History. Finally, I was mentioned several times in a major February 2010 COINage Magazine article about the Secret Service which included input from Secret Service officials.
Oh, and another thing: my work is very prominently featured all over the internet (multiple blogs, You Tube, etc.), including mentions in five Wikipedia Secret Service related entries.
I interviewed and corresponded with approximately 80 former agents + family members, not to mention many other principal people of importance.