Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The "dead" Secret Service agent (or a person of interest)

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20 H 410/ SETH KANTOR REPORT: "A Western Union man who had been with us since we came down from Andrews Air Force Base came into the [Parkland Hospital] office. A nurse asked him about a report that a Secret Service agent had been killed out on the street. HE SAID THAT IT WAS TRUE. This was one of the immediate rumors which sprang up. It took several days for this particular rumor not to be believed in Dallas itself (FELLOW IN JAGGARS-CHILES-STOVALL who got it from a friend who got it from a POSTMAN* supposed to have been at the death scene that the shot and bleeding SS man was in on the plot to kill the President.)" [emphasis added]

*the 1/22/77 issue of "The Continuing Inquiry" contains an article written by Penn Jones and Gary Shaw re: the "dead" agent incident as reported in a letter sent to Jim Garrison during the Clay Shaw trial:
"A Mr. Robertson, Assistant Director of the Dallas or Fort Worth Secret Service office, confided to [friend of writer who requested anonymity] in 1963 that a plot to kill President Kennedy was planned and he did not want any part of it. On November 22, 1963, my friend was in the office of Mr. Robertson when all phones began to ring, about the time Kennedy was arriving at Carswell Air Force Base [in Fort Worth], Mr. Robertson then said, 'Well, this is it' and left the office. Since that time Mr. Robertson's family of seven children and wife have not seen or heard from him, yet his paychecks continue to be mailed to his home."
Jones/ Shaw: "Our 1965 investigation led us to believe Robertson was in Dallas but was posing as a POSTAL INSPECTOR, but it was reported to us that he had left Dallas. We also learned from newsmen that something unusual did happen on Harwood [street] shortly before the turn to Main Street. No one wanted credit for this, but we were told by reliable newsmen that a man jumped in front of Kennedy's car on Harwood shouting, "Stop, I must tell you." The man, according to their report, was promptly wrestled to the ground and hustled away." [emphasis added]

----- To my great surprise, there are three reports that corroborate the above article, in conjunction with the overlooked Kantor report:
The first is the actual LETTER sent to Garrison from an "Amy Britvar" dated 2/21/68 and originating from Turtle Creek Blvd. in Dallas, TX. [thanks go to John Armstrong and Jack White for the copy of this letter]! An internet people search for Britvar drew a blank, although there ARE other Britvars in Texas (further work will be done on locating this person).

The second is a Treasury Department (U.S. Customs Service) document, dated 1/17/80, from Joseph G. Forrester, U.S. Customs, to Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti [thanks go to John Armstrong and Ed Sherry for this document; see above image]. The letter reads in part:
"My interest in the Kennedy murder started in 1966 when I met an Air Force Master Sergeant at St. Albans Naval Hospital, Queens, New York.
This sergeant, an elderly man, was suffering from terminal cancer. He stated that on November 22,1963 he was attached to Air Force One as an electronics technician. He further stated that after the President was shot a message was received over a military frequency that multiple assassins had attacked the President...a Secret Service agent. Mr. Robertson, stationed in the Dallas-Fort Worth area disappeared on November 22,1963, yet his family still receives his paychecks. The disappearance of an individual is not unusual except that it has been said that Mr. Robertson became aware of an assassins plot against the president. An assassin plot had been unearthed in Chicago a short time before President Kennedy's Dallas trip. Please do not misconstrue this letter. I am not a crank; but I am sincerely interested in this crucial investigation. I am willing to join an investigative team and if that is not possible, will make myself available for an interview by investigative officers."

The third is a lengthy memorandum written by Vince Salandria, dated 1/31/67, regarding an interview with Rita Rollins, a Navy Nurse with an interesting story to tell.---the crucial part in question reads as follows:
"The name of the person in Dallas...is Inez Robertson. CHUCK ROBERTSON, HER HUSBAND, WORKS AT THE POST OFFICE...Inez Robertson, actually saw them [men with guns] make a breakdown of the rifles. This tall man with long grey or white hair[-]he was in the station wagon. There is a luggage rack on the station wagon. It was a Rambler station wagon. This fellow with the mixed grey hair carried them [the armed men] to the airport...This tall man had been around Dallas the day before the assassination...THIS EPISODE HAS CAUSED FRICTION BETWEEN CHUCK ROBERTSON AND INEZ ROBERTSON. HE IS NOT IN DALLAS NOW." [emphasis added]

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Kennedy Detail Exposed: the real story about JFK's Secret Service

The Kennedy Detail Exposed: the real story about JFK's Secret Service


The Kennedy Detail Exposed- the real story about JFK’s Secret Service by Vince Palamara 11/22/19, Dallas, TX (seventh annual JFK assassination conference). President Kennedy should have survived 11/22/63. Introduction by Don Ratliff. I met Oliver Stone at the conference (I was followed by author/actor/ director Sean Stone, son of Oliver Stone, who was in the audience, along with many other authors and researchers in 2016). The Q & A session at the end included fellow TMWKK participant Ed Tatro, among others.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


The former executive director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Briggs spent one year working on research for The Sixth Floor project in the Washington, D.C., offices of exhibition designers Bob Staples and Barbara Charles. Recorded February 16, 2009.
Mr. Briggs passed away on November 4, 2015.

WOW! I posted about the disturbing Sixth Floor Museum connection of former CIA officer Charles Briggs and two relatives of his went nuts! They want this connection---get this---"erased from the internet. You have no business defaming a good man. He worked successfully with the Kennedy administration, NOT against it." His granddaughter actually inspired me to keep up my post and expand it + share it on social media everywhere. She actually had the audacity to tell me "take it down. Take it down NOW." I don't obey.

Jim DiEugenio: 
Is it not amazing how a guy can live in the shadows his whole life, and then suddenly, due to an obituary, we find out who he is. 

Briggs helped set up the sixth floor for CIA, he apparently oversaw CIA interests in declassification for ARRB, and now we know he went through Angleton's files after he was removed by Colby. 

This guy was a player in the JFK case and no one knew it.

Chris Newton:

I inadvertently stumbled on this connection, here in this forum while investigating other issues, and Gary Mack and I had a "private" conversation about Charles' status. Charles Briggs had more knowledge of more secrets in the CIA than probably anyone other than Angleton (and it appears he was the keeper of Angleton's files as well, moving about 15% of the 400 yards of files into the main CIA database and overseeing the destruction of the rest). 


CHARLES BRIGGS as a younger man. The former executive director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Briggs spent one year working on research for The Sixth Floor project in the Washington, D.C., offices of exhibition designers Bob Staples and Barbara Charles.

The Parkland Hospital mystery man 11/22/63: people on The Education Forum believe he looks like Briggs!

Unidentified male in sunglasses (inside the hospital wearing sunglasses?) that some people want to believe is a Secret Service agent. I do NOT recognize him at all (and I am much aware of what all the agents from the Dallas field office and White House Detail look like)

All the photos together





18 H 795: Secret Service agent Andy Berger---writes in his SS report that "AN UNIDENTIFIED CIA AGENT" who had "CREDENTIALS" made himself available at Parkland while JFK was there (this is separate from FBI agent Vincent Drain, who identified himself and was sent via Hoover, and an "unidentified FBI agent" who did NOT have credentials!


Unidentified male in sunglasses (inside the hospital wearing sunglasses?) that some people want to believe is a Secret Service agent. I do NOT recognize him at all (and I am much aware of what all the agents from the Dallas field office and White House Detail look like):
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[caption created by Linda Zambanini]



Original black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer showing Dallas Police Officer H.B. McLain (at right, wearing white helmet) speaking with an unidentified man outside of Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. The man on the left is an unidentified Secret Service agent.

Physical Description

1 photograph : negative, b&w ; 35 mm.

Creation Information

Dallas Times Herald November 22, 1963.
Image result for secret service agent outside parkland hospital

Extreme blowup of Stoughton photo depicting Agent Andy Berger driving the hearse containing JFK's body with agent Stu Stout (in shadows) sitting between him and ASAIC Roy Kellerman, 11/22/63