Tuesday, July 23, 2019

President Kennedy motorcades San Diego, Hawaii, Latin America

President Kennedy motorcades San Diego, Hawaii, Latin America

President Kennedy motorcades San Diego (6/6/63) , Hawaii (6/9/63), Latin America (12/61- Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Columbia) PLUS THE BUBBLETOP IN ALL GOOD WEATHER MOTORCADES

President Kennedy motorcades: Germany, Italy, Ireland, D.C.

President Kennedy motorcades: Germany, Italy, Ireland, D.C.

GERMANY 6/23-6/26/63 [19:43 to 23:11] : Many flanking motorcycles in a wedge formation; SAIC Behn on trip; military aide in front seat; agents in good number near limo; bubbletop at times; military lining street; live television feed; PHOTOGRAPHERS IN FRONT OF LIMO; buildings guarded
ITALY 7/2/63 [0 to 11:44]: close press/photographers (including live tv IN FRONT OF LIMO), SAIC Behn, agents on limo, massive motorcycles, etc.
IRELAND 6/28/63 [23:12 to end]: Agent Bert De Freese on rear of limo; partial bubbletop; good motorcycle formation; press photographers flatbed truck in front of limo; agents on limo
D.C. motorcades:
-JFK and Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg 4/30/63 [11:45 to 13:28];
-JFK and Ethiopian King Haile Selassie 10/1/63 [16:08 to 18:33];
-JFK and King Hassan of Morocco 3/27/63 [13:29 to 16:07];
-JFK Inaugural 1/20/61 [18:44 to 19:42]
THE VIEW FROM THE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS FLATBED TRUCK IN FRONT; 2 follow-up cars; military and police line street; SAIC Behn and military aide