Friday, November 30, 2018

PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH 11/30/2018...JFK 11/22/1963

JUST NOW ON CNN: Wolf Blitzer just said "We will probably never know all that George Bush did as CIA Director as all that material is highly classified and will be for many years to come"--!!!!!!

PRESCOTT BUSH, GEORGE'S FATHER (AND W'S GRANDFATHER) was no fan of the Kennedys. He didn't like what they "did" to dear Allen Dulles, CIA Director (Bush senior would later become CIA Director)




Sunday, November 25, 2018

My Coast to Coast JFK Secret Service (Kennedy assassination) hit show!

My Coast to Coast JFK Secret Service (Kennedy assassination) hit show!
Vincent Palamara described his research into the actions of the Secret Service the day of the assassination and in the days leading up to it. Palamara has spoken to both medical personnel who were on duty in Dallas that day, as well as retired agents. He emphasized that "people that were actually there" are convinced that there was a conspiracy based on forensic evidence as well as the breakdown of security logistics. He believes that there were at least three Secret Service agents who "crossed the line" past simple laziness or incompetence and either cooperated with a conspiracy or allowed it to happen.

Friday, November 23, 2018

JFK's Secret Service Detail: Why President Kennedy Should Have Survived Dallas

JFK's Secret Service Detail: Why President Kennedy Should Have Survived Dallas

My Coast to Coast JFK Secret Service (Kennedy assassination) hit show!
Vincent Palamara described his research into the actions of the Secret Service the day of the assassination and in the days leading up to it. Palamara has spoken to both medical personnel who were on duty in Dallas that day, as well as retired agents. He emphasized that "people that were actually there" are convinced that there was a conspiracy based on forensic evidence as well as the breakdown of security logistics. He believes that there were at least three Secret Service agents who "crossed the line" past simple laziness or incompetence and either cooperated with a conspiracy or allowed it to happen.

JFK's Secret Service Detail: Why President Kennedy Should Have Survived Dallas- Author Vince Palamara on Coast to Coast AM, 11/22/2018
Based on my many interviews and correspondence with former Secret Service agents assigned to President Kennedy, a dozen of them ALSO knew there was a conspiracy: Sam Kinney, the driver of the follow-up car in Dallas; Abraham Bolden, the first African-American agent assigned to the White House Detail (and the author of Echo From Dealey Plaza); John Marshall, the SAIC of the Miami field office; Maurice Martineau, the SAIC of the Chicago field office; Robert Bouck, the SAIC of the Protective Research Section (PRS); Bill Greer, the driver of Kennedy’s limousine in Dallas; Roy Kellerman, the ASAIC who rode with Greer in the limo; Gerald O’Rourke, another agent on the Texas trip; and Uniformed Officer John Norris. In addition, agents Forrest Sorrels, the SAIC of the Dallas office who rode in the lead car, Paul Landis, who rode with Kinney in the follow-up car, and Lem Johns, an LBJ agent who rode in the VP follow-up car, all stated that at least one shot came from the front.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

THE INHERITANCE: fantastic new book on the JFK assassination!

A new book (coming 11/22/18- I received an advance copy) I highly recommend: NEW information, very well written. NOTHING in it's 500-plus pages is in any way, shape or form old news. I am amazed that, at this late juncture, something NEW can come out in book form on this case! Get it when it comes out!
THE INHERITANCE Facebook page: