Saturday, September 15, 2018

Tell me what you SEE here, people: John MCCUBBIN...Lisa?

Tell me what you SEE here, people: John MCCUBBIN was the head of the White House Police (the uniformed branch of the SECRET SERVICE) and was from the VIRGINIA/MARYLAND area. "Washington, D.C., June 25, 1938. Lieut. John M.D. McCubbin was today promoted to Captain of the White House police force. A Member of the force since 1922 he succeeds Capt. A.A. Walters, retired."
I would say it has to be some kind of relation---from the very same area; she writes about the Secret Service; Clint Hill, her lover, was head of the White House Detail for a while; and this McCubbin was head of the uniformed branch of the Secret Service! I never heard that last name ever until she came along...the next time I heard it: this guy! 

Monday, September 10, 2018


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Secret Service agents LOVE my latest book WHO'S WHO IN THE SECRET SERVICE!

Secret Service agents LOVE my latest book WHO'S WHO IN THE SECRET SERVICE!


On cloud nine now- I had a former Secret Service Agent (who requested anonymity, otherwise I would add this to my book!) tell me: Vince, the fourth appendix in your book decimates the JFK detail. It is like a fiery courtroom final summation. Honestly, how anyone can defend them after what you have written is beyond me. We learned a lot of what NOT to do in training based on their performance.” Wow.

Another agent actually featured in the book:

"I appreciate the favorable review of my humble service.

This book is highly relevant in that it provides information on many historically significant happenings in the Service and those who were there.  Many ,as you point out, have been forgotten with time which makes your book even more important.

You will eventually receive some poor reviews by some that are unhappy over not being mentioned, or over some of those who were.  If that happens, don't let it bother you.  Old former agents can be a vindictive lot. Also let me say that you have become a "real" author.  By that I mean your writing is very professional and, you continue to produce works."

Yet another former agent actually wrote an Amazon review- John Carman:

"BEST EXPOSE OF ITS KIND SO FAR! I am former U.S. Secret Service and I know what REALLY goes on inside the U.S. Secret Service on many different levels including at the White House and FMD/WHD 1974-1977. I was also the one that interviewed John W. Hinckley in 1976 to have him committed to ST. Elizabeth's Mental Hospital
The Duty agent that night FAILED to admit Hinckley and 5 years later Hinckley was arrested for shooting President Reagan, SA-Tim McCarthy, Jim Brady and others.
Vince Palamara has the guts to expose the REAL Truth!
Way to go Vince !!!"


WHY INTEREST IN JFK (and the Kennedys) WILL NEVER FADE: I think what "saves" JFK from perhaps an inevitable fate of fading away is the following: he was our most handsome president (hey- image matters, for better or for worse); there are countless color (and black and white) images and films/videos [You Tube] of him; you still have the Caroline connection and all the relatives still living; his popularity is thru the roof- Democrats AND Republicans love him; he is above average or better with historians; books on his life and death (especially his life) still sell very well; he was "only" 10 presidents ago; he was our last assassinated president- thankfully, no one since; there is mystery assigned to his death, so he is fascinating for BOTH his life and his untimely passing; and, last but not least, when I was in Dealey Plaza in 2016 and Arlington National Cemetery in 2011, it was crawling over two days with kids with no memory of CLINTON who were very interested! Lincoln is still popular with no motion pictures and a very limited amount of photos. President Kennedy will never meet the fate of Garfield, McKinley or other presidents- I predict he will forever be popular and an object of interest. P.S. My parents made an interesting comment, too- his hairstyle and suits are timeless; that helps.