Page 61: Rightly calls Director Merletti’s referencing of
the Kennedy assassination “historically inaccurate” re: the president pushing
away the agents;
Page 63: “Agent Hill suffered from “survivor’s guilt.” (the title of my first book!);
Pages 79-114: chapter
dealing with Washington thru attempt on V.P. Nixon;
Pages 115-146:
Kennedy assassination chapter (covers Pavlick and thru Reagan attempt, as well);
Page 117: “the Secret Service did everything wrong; the
assassin(s) did everything right.” I love the plural!
Page 120: nice
reference about Abraham Bolden;
Page 120: good take on the drinking incident and exhaustion;
Pages 120-121:
referencing my book (page 286): Thomas Shipman;
Page 129: “Numerous details bewildered the public: the lack
of motorcycle agents (sic) and agents on the rear bumper of the president’s
Page 130 (and elsewhere): “many of the changes
[recommendations of the Warren Commission] were never implemented.”;
Pages 245-246: interesting info on Sara Jane Moore;
Page 251: Re: October 2017 JFK assassination file releases-
“…the more transparent the story of the Kennedy assassination becomes, along with the details of the Secret
Service’s involvement, the better.”