Sunday, December 31, 2017

Over half a million blog views- thank you!

Incredible- over half a million blogs views; millions of views on my You Tube channel; tens of thousands of sales of my books...thank you for making a difference!


Vince Palamara

Saturday, December 30, 2017

The JFK assassination: was it a conspiracy? What happened? My thoughts.

The JFK assassination: was it a conspiracy? What happened? My thoughts.

There was a conspiracy- two shooters (not three or more or any of that silliness), one from the front and one in Oswald's window using Oswald's rifle BUT IT WAS NOT OSWALD- this is how he was framed! Same type ammunition, possibly using a sabot, to ensure ballistics would match THE (one) rifle. A SMALL element (half a handful) of (former) CIA employees- Allen Dulles, David Atlee Philips and Cord Meyer (NOT including those who knew or suspected something was "in the breeze" and chose not to say anything [Hoover, LBJ]) or the actual assassins [silly and pointless parlor game to speculate on WHO they were...54 years later, we will never know THAT]. JFK was killed because it was perceived, right or wrong, that he was going to end our involvement in Vietnam and seek peace with Castro's Cuba (after both the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, those in the secret corridors of power were enraged by JFK's Peace Speech at American University). To a lesser extent, those involved were angered at President Kennedy's private life (a few Secret Service agents who chose to let a few precious seconds go by to ensure a new President: agent Roberts was VERY close to LBJ) and his views on Civil Rights (although, ironically, LBJ pushed the Civil Rights Bill thru in tribute to JFK and, a la Trump, to boost his ego and popularity).

Vince Palamara

Bill Greer retirement

Bill Greer retirement- click on image to enlarge

Friday, December 15, 2017

DECEMBER 2017 SAIC of PPD reunion at the White House! All the still-living SAIC's of PPD- Don White, Joe Clancy, John Magaw, David Carpenter, Clint Hill, Richard Keiser, President Trump, Rich "Skip" Miller, Lew Merletti, Carl Truscott, Michael White, Brian Stafford, Robert Buster, Eddie Marinzel and Nick Trotta (not pictured: Robert DeProspero and Vic Erevia)


DECEMBER 2017 SAIC of PPD reunion at the White House! All the still-living SAIC's of PPD- Don White, Joe Clancy, John Magaw, David Carpenter, Clint Hill, Richard Keiser, President Trump, Rich "Skip" Miller, Lew Merletti, Carl Truscott, Michael White, Brian Stafford, Robert Buster, Eddie Marinzel and Nick Trotta (not pictured: Robert DeProspero, Ray Shaddick and Vic Erevia)



Thursday, December 14, 2017

President Kennedy’s Secret Service Agents: the JFK Detail- A Complete Oral History. OVER 4 HOURS LONG!

THE ACTUAL VOICES (film/video/audio) of Secret Service agents Gerald Blaine, Clint Hill, Ron Pontius, Paul Landis, Bob Foster, Chuck Zboril, Jerry Parr (a rookie agent in 1962/1963), Paul Paterni, U.E. Baughman, Gerald Behn, Bob Bouck, Rufus Youngblood, James Rowley, Thomas Kelley, Bill Greer and son Richard, David Grant, Abraham Bolden, Win Lawson, Sam Kinney, Roy Kellerman, Floyd Boring, Don Lawton, Tim McIntyre, Joe Paolella, Tony Sherman, Larry Newman, Robert Burke, Henry Rybka (photos), Howard Norton (info), Glen Bennett (photos/ info), John Marshall (photo/ info), Andy Berger (info), Ken Giannoules, Walt Coughlin, Rad Jones, and Mike Howard + Presidential aide Dave Powers, Congressman Sam Gibbons (letter/info) and Ken O’Donnell and daughter (letter/info). Much other information, rare motorcade photos and films, etc. The quality varies at times due to the source material mainly. That said, this is a unique and priceless video! President Kennedy’s Secret Service Agents: the JFK Detail- A Complete Oral History. OVER 4 HOURS LONG!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The members of the ARRB presenting President Clinton with the Final Report September 1998: I AM IN THE REPORT!

The members of the ARRB presenting President Clinton with the Final Report September 1998: I AM IN THE REPORT!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

FDR's Secret Service Detail Chief, Mike Reilly

(via the FBI/ NEW JFK DOCUMENT RELEASES) So FDR's Secret Service Detail Chief, Mike Reilly, was a drunk and his brother was a perv, huh? click on images to enlarge