Thursday, September 25, 2014

TWO major films/ documentaries I participated in coming out soon!

TWO major films/ documentaries I participated in coming out soon!

A COUP IN CAMELOT, narrated by the great actor and voice-over/ narrator star Peter Coyote:

KILL KING 63 with Richard Belzer, Oliver Stone, Jesse Ventura, Vince Palamara, etc. etc. etc.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The JFK assassination has been very good for Mr. Hill

The JFK assassination has been very good for Mr. Hill

Think about it:

Promotion to SAIC  of the White House Detail;

Promotion to Assistant Director;

early retirement

acclaimed 60 Minutes special

THREE best-selling books with a FOURTH one on the way

huge government pension

A TON OF MONEY earned from the above books

many television appearances in the last 20 years

co-author girlfriend young enough to be his daughter or grand daughter

expensive autographs of assassination photos

Emmy-nominated television documentary

talk of a movie

Not too shabby

Mr. Hill, with all his books, has made more money than the entire "conspiracy industry" combined...

Mr. Hill was one of NINE agents who drank alcohol the night before the assassination (grounds for removal from the service, a blatant rule violation), yet was critical of the OTHER NINE agents who drank recently (and no harm was done in their case)...


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lisa McCubbin is afraid of my book- the truth hurts!

She gave my book a one-star rating on Goodreads (the second time she has done so- the last time she deleted it when hundreds of customers rightfully complained). Why would a "best-selling" author care so much about my book? LOL!!!!

Mission accomplished LOL :)

I am very happy to hear that Clint Hill, her ancient boyfriend, is coming out with another book. All her books help my book in sales tremendously!

Vince Palamara :) :)