Thursday, March 27, 2014

I helped in the writing of some of this article:

I helped in the writing of some of this article:


So what gives? Why are so many Secret Service agents embarrassing themselves lately?
"The Secret Service's main cultural problem has never been sexism or hypermasculinity. It's alcoholism," Marc Ambinder, a journalist who has written extensively about the inner workings of the agency, told me. This is nothing new: Tales of agents getting too drunk to perform their jobs date to at least the Kennedy years


Case in point is the agency's decision to send the three boozing agents home, a clear overreacton according to Dan Emmett, a 21-year veteran of the agency and author of the upcoming memoir Within Arm's Length. "Sending them home 24 hours before presidential arrival is counterproductive to the mission," he told me. "When you take three CAT agents out of a team, you just decimated that team by 50 percent, thus rendering them ineffective."


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The legacy of the 9 Texas trip partiers from 11/21-11/22/63 continues...

The legacy of the 9 Texas trip partiers from 11/21-11/22/63 continues...

Clint Hill, Jack Ready, Glen Bennett, Paul Landis, and 5 other agents drank the night before the Kennedy assassination...a new generation carries on:

Secret Service agents sent home after one found passed out in Amsterdam

By Evan Perez, CNN
updated 7:36 AM EDT, Wed March 26, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Man Behind the Suit: a Documentary of Robert Deprospero

The Man Behind the Suit: a Documentary of Robert Deprospero

This documentary is about Robert DeProspero, a retired Secret Service Agent who was head of security during the Reagan Administration.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

by request: SA George Warren Hickey, Jr.

By request- SA George W Hickey, Jr with fellow SAs Clint Hill, Floyd Boring, Paul Landis, Tom Wells, Sam Sulliman, Frank Yeager, Lynn Meredith and Muggsy O'Leary+ Mary Gallagher+Louella Hennessey and Ensign George Dalton (white jacket, arms crossed, near door). Secret Service trailer, Squaw Island, Summer 1963

By request- SA George W Hickey, Jr. (hand to head) watching SA Sam Kinney and DPD Chief Jesse Curry
By request- SA George W Hickey, Jr beside the limousine at Love Field 11/22/63

Monday, March 3, 2014

JFK's chief embalmer- died before the HSCA convened

JFK's chief embalmer- died before the HSCA convened. "Stroble mentioned that the President had been shot at the very top of the cranium and approximately the 7th vertebrae. He also mentioned that Kennedy's face was "not that marred."

Stroble died at the age of 55, 4 months before the HSCA convened and just a few weeks after a friend had written a letter to Harvard about Stroble. The friend noticed that Harvard was conducting a course on the assassination and so this friend wrote Harvard and offered to contact the chief embalmer who could lay to rest once and for all how many bullet wounds JFK had suffered and where they were located.

The friend offered no names and heard nothing back. But just a few weeks later, Stroble was dead.

 HE DIED ON JFK's birthday, 5/29/76 !!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014